Our Newsmaker Interview for this week is KVI host John Carlson. John has provided the conservative free market perspective through his radio shows and newspaper columns since the early 1980s. In our … [Read more...]
Washington Policy Center President Dann Mead Smith Discusses Free Market Solutions in a Liberal State, Getting More Young People Involved, and Having Oasis Sing the National Anthem at Their Annual Dinner
Despite Washington State being one of the most liberal states in the country, it is home to one of the premier free market think tanks in the country. With an excellent staff, the Washington Policy … [Read more...]
Ann Davison Sattler on Democrats’ Support of Failed Homeless Policies
This week Shift sits down with Ann Davison Sattler, 2019 Seattle City Council aspirant and 2020 Republican candidate for Washington State Lt. Governor. Davison Sattler provides her thoughts on … [Read more...]
Newsmaker Interview: Bill Bryant Shares His Thoughts on Jay Inslee’s Environmental Failures, Republicans Winning the Governor’s Seat, and Seattle’s Relevance on the State’s Political Culture
This week’s Newsmaker Interview is with former Seattle Port Commissioner and 2016 Republican candidate for Governor Bill Bryant. Bill was born and raised in the South Puget Sound area and currently … [Read more...]
Newsmaker Interview with Bellevue Chamber’s President and CEO Joe Fain on Amazon, Seattle, and the Current Political Culture
This week’s Newsmaker Interview is with Joe Fain, President and CEO of the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce and former Washington State Senator from the 47th Legislative District. Fain provides his … [Read more...]
Interview with Senator Hans Zeiger, a Rising Star within the GOP
This week’s Newsmaker Interview is with a rising star within the Republican party, Senator Hans Zeiger (R-Puyallup). A native of Puyallup, Zeiger was first elected to the Washington House of … [Read more...]
SeaTac City Councilmember Peter Kwon on the City’s Remarkable Financial Turnaround (Without Raising Taxes) and How Other Local Governments Can Also Achieve Financial Stability
In this week’s Newsmaker Interview, we focus on the remarkable financial turnaround that has occurred in SeaTac by talking with Councilmember Peter Kwon. At the beginning of 2016 the city was $2.5 … [Read more...]
Senator Doug Ericksen on Breaching the Ballard Locks, Low Carbon Fuel Standards, Governor Inslee, and Out-Of-Touch Seattle Legislators
This week’s Newsmaker Interview is with Senator Doug Ericksen who has represented the 42nd District (Whatcom County) since 1999 – first as a House member for 12 years, and as a Senator since 2011. … [Read more...]
Jami Lund On the Power and Influence of Public Union Money
Jami Lund was recently the target of a vindictive campaign by the Washington Education Association and other government employee unions as they spent more than $92,000 to buy his seat on the Centralia … [Read more...]
Roanoke Conference Speaker Alexandra DeSanctis on Hollywood, Family Leave, and Being a Pro-Life Woman
National Review staff writer Alexandra DeSanctis is this week’s Newsmaker Interview. She is a graduate of Notre Dame University and a previous William F. Buckley Fellow. Alexandra will be the featured … [Read more...]
House Republican Leader J.T. Wilcox on the Upcoming Legislative Session and the 2020 Elections
J.T. Wilcox (R-Yelm) is a five-term representative from the 2nd Legislative District which encompasses rural Pierce and Thurston counties. Wilcox currently serves as the Republican House Leader and … [Read more...]
Todd Myers: On the Snake River Dams and Why Many Environmental Policies are Damaging the Environment
Todd Myers is the Director of the Center for the Environment at the Washington Policy Center. He is the author of the nationally acclaimed book “Eco-Fads: How the rise in trendy environmentalism is … [Read more...]