As we head into the final weekend of the year, Shift is wrapping up our series on the lumps of coal which Jay Inslee put into our stockings at Christmas. Today’s highlight is on a relatively small tax … [Read more...]
When WA Post argues over “destruction” of Dem Party, liberals are in trouble
The end of the year lends itself to lists and broad analytical articles. One such overview that is very popular is trying to figure out what’s wrong with the Democrat Party. Here’s a link to the … [Read more...]
Will Inslee let child rapist and killer escape justice?
One of Jay Inslee’s more bizarre pronouncements came in his second year as governor when, without any advance notice, he decided he would not follow the state’s laws regarding the death penalty. Our … [Read more...]
For some liberals crime isn’t the problem – jails are the problem
Shift wrote earlier this week about the surprise protest at a Monday event dedicated to declaring Washington a “hate free zone.” Seems that some activists are very upset by the idea that the city … [Read more...]
Seattle activists protest WA being a ‘hate free state’
The social media adage that “haters gonna hate” was taken to a new level by Seattle’s professional protest crowd this week, when activists shouted down speakers at an event organized by the … [Read more...]
How many times will the mule kick Dems?
Whether you supported Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or made another choice, it has been interesting to watch the blame game going on since the election by the “leaders” of the losing party. This … [Read more...]
Media verdict in – Inslee tax hikes going nowhere, but at least he tried
Evidently mainstream media editorialists have decided that they will need access to newly re-elected Governor Jay Inslee. So, even though he spent months on the campaign trail saying he wouldn’t raise … [Read more...]
Cantwell wants attention, attacks EPA nominee
Evidently, Senator Maria Cant(do)well has not been getting enough attention lately, since she wasn’t running for re-election this year. However, since she does have to run in 2018, the state’s … [Read more...]
Partisan hack Habib forgets his new job duties
State Senator Cyrus Habib ran a campaign for Lieutenant Governor that suggested he would be a fair, non-partisan presiding officer for the Senate, saying he wanted to “lead the State Senate in a more … [Read more...]
King County Council establishes quota system for legislators
The King County Council decided that appointing state legislators using a quota system was better than following the recommendations of local elected representatives for selecting replacement … [Read more...]
Seattle City Council’s “conservative” retires
It’s a sad day in Seattle when the last semi-rational City Council member decides to retire. However, it is only in the alternative universe that is the Emerald City that Councilman Tim Burgess could … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: What’s the wackiest Seattle policy?
Liberals across the country – and especially in the Soviet of Seattle – have filled up the internet lately attacking every new policy idea (or even old ones) coming out of the new presidential … [Read more...]