Liberals across the country – and especially in the Soviet of Seattle – have filled up the internet lately attacking every new policy idea (or even old ones) coming out of the new presidential administration and his cabinet appointments. Breathless pronouncements about the destruction of the environment, or attacks on specific ethnic/gender groups, or pushing old people out onto the street – you see them every day (especially if you get emails like this from Jay Inslee).
As usual, Jay goes over the top trying to raise money, writing in his latest screed that “The work of progressive state leaders like Jay Inslee is more important than ever. Jay needs your support before midnight tonight. After that, it will be too late.”
While Inslee is building his “progressive movement to support his agenda” while not actually showing up for work, the Shift team thought we’d focus on the truly humorous policy ideas coming out of the City of Seattle. Of course, they be a lot funnier if they weren’t killing jobs and driving businesses out of the city.
However, since Seattle politicians have no problem trying to kill the Golden Egg that is economic growth – after all, they have cushy six-figure jobs already – we wanted to get your opinion on which so-called “progressive” policy being inflicted on Seattle citizens (and non-citizens) is the wackiest.
So for today’s Friday Funny, here are your choices:
- The highest minimum wage in the country – $15 an hour, which the city’s own study shows is killing jobs
- Putting a “head tax” on every employee in Seattle, to fund an agency created to harass businesses about city regulations
- Encouraging contract employees – like Uber drivers – to unionize, even though it’s against federal law
- Spending over $100 million on a city dump, featuring a basketball court and “green” roof
- So-called “secure scheduling” regulations telling businesses who they can hire and when employees can work
- Passing a law to let politicians use tax dollars for their campaigns
- Other?
Obviously the list could go on and on – the Pronto bike-share program, anything Kshama Sawant has ever proposed – but we don’t to fill up the internet ourselves.
Enjoy a laugh, and the poll, and we look forward to hearing from you.
The highest minimum wage in the country…
Yeah, raising the minimum wage is the wacky, loony, far-left Seattle policy which would never, ever have any appeal to voters who live outside the shadow of the Space Needle.
Wait, what?!?
So you lost your job art McDonalds to a robot.
Go figure.
“… art McDonalds …”
Not my style of expression, sadly.
They wont let you even have crayons!
Or apostrophes, apparently.
Nope. You must really suck. No crayons and punctuation.
Even a robot can be programmed to use a spelling and grammar checker. What is your excuse?
Love pedantic asses that are self righteous and pompous.
So, have you any plans for when an Amazon employee in Seattle gets bored in the coffee line, whips out his smart-phone, and codes a ‘bot to do a better job of commenting than you’ve done here?
Because I’m pretty sure Washington State won’t pay you any unemployment benefits for what you’ve so far managed to produce here.
Poor baby. Take some remedial lessons in spelling and grammar to relieve your tedium.
So your name is Art McDonald, good to know.
So English Major translates to “would you like fries with that”
Still paying off the student loan at 60?
So English Major translates to “would you like fries with that”
No, an English Major would have used a question mark.
Still paying off the student loan at 60?
Nope. Enjoying my six-figure salary, though.
You do sound like you may have been programed. I should have got on here much sooner, this pointing out programed leftist liberal insanity is kind of fun.
Pointing out the foolishness of liberals is not worth my time…but it is amusingly fun! Especially when you get em in a corner, they get all hissy!
You do sound like you may have been programed.
To err is human; to keep making obvious errors is conservative.
Leftists and libturds in general are a disease.
To answer tensors $15 minimum wage question.
Liberalism is a dangerous mental disorder that needs to be addressed and dealt with.
Link to the original study, please. I don’t care what right-wing commenters have deluded themselves into believing — about Seattle, or anything else.
WTF is wrong with you, get help.
I followed the Forbes link; as I had suspected, it refers to a study published (by Seattle’s request and at Seattle’s expense) last Summer. (Not recently, as you falsely claimed.)
The study shows a tiny reduction in hours worked by low-wage employees in Seattle — exactly what we would expect if persons working part-time for spare money got a raise. As far as we here in Seattle are concerned, our law is working per design.
Which may help to explain why I-1433 passed in a landslide.
Seattle’s economy really is in the tank.
It’s shrinking so, so very fast. Please, go to a freer, redder state if you ever want to make a living. Will the last crane leaving Seattle please turn off the lights.
I remember billboards in the 1970 Last person out please turn off the lights.
End of Highway 99 in Seattle.
Democrat policy’s are turning Seattle in to Detroit.
Boeing has made the wise decision to move out.
They will support abortions though, axe yur mum cuck boy
GO ROBOTS !!! The dumb asses can’t get an order right at $9.40 an hour. I wonder how the Sharia Cuntwells and the Fatty Blurry’s would explain Boeing moving to Kansas to their loyal idiots.
Seattle just publish a report of the job losses due to the higher minimum wage.
No surprise, this was expected.
Where did Seattle publish this? Link, please.
I wasn’t aware the city of Seattle owned those sites.
Total insanity. Do we all get trophys? Socialism has been a proven failure. These people are not only irational, delusional, and just plain stupid, but a threat to our society.
Do we all get trophys?
The Seattle Public Schools probably wouldn’t give you one for spelling. Does that make you feel better?
They can’t afford to though. They have mismanaged themselves into debt.
Wow. One dropped R. Thanks for pointing it out, comrade spelling National (Democratic) Socialist. You must be so proud of yourself for spotting it. Does that make you feel special (D)?
Yeah, it’s really too bad the commenters who agree with you here always seem to display such pitiable ignorance during their arrogant lectures to us liberals. Why, it’s almost as if education and awareness have well-known liberal biases!
Ardently pedantic as usual.
If I were to win the world lottery, I would clear cut seattle, (misspelled by pure disrespect), sell the timber, and give the landt to the muslims and wetbacks, to insure that all king and Thurston county commie pukes could get what you so richly deserve.
If I were to win the world lottery,
There’s no such thing as a world lottery, and you’re obviously the very opposite of a winner, so who cares?
…I would clearcut seattle…
Would you tear down all of the construction cranes, too? Those burly guys in orange vests, making huge bucks from double shifts, probably wouldn’t like that very much. How about you go talk to them about your grand plans?
STFU commie cuck.
Actually Mr. coward, your comment makes absolutely no sense what so ever!
Yes thanks Tom Clemens for pointing that out, really made my day. You sir can claim the asshole trophy for today, you worked for it and earned it.
Seattle Public Schools are too busy milking the public tit to educate.
Your mom gave me one for the biggest cum load she ever swallowed!
Liberalism is a dangerous mental disorder.
AMEN, and without proper inoculations (like a non public, charter or private education) it is contagious. Commies are self serving.
Actually trash like the libturds, commies, socialists are useful Idiots and will be quickly dispensed with when they have done their damage. History repeats yet again.
Where is the common sense to ALL these crazy ideas and programs! I choose the dump because spending a 108 million dollars on a dump, just STINKS.
This is why eastern Washington wants to break away from the west coast and form our own state of “Liberty”…
…eastern Washington wants to break away from the west coast and form our own state of “Liberty”…
A better name for your new state would be “Poverty,” since we taxpayers in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties pay 62 cents out of every dollar Olympia gets. Good luck getting by without the pork barrel we liberals provide you.
Nope…part of the 1 percenters…ha ha ha
Ignore tensor, libturd, no facts only argument
Eastern Washing would do fine without the leaches and bureaucrats. It could easily sell the Timber, Food and produce to a better buyer. Washington is broken and sinking. Seattle is a cesspool, Olympia is so corrupt it has become a laughing stock.
If the fine citizens of eastern Washington want to petition Congress to form a new state, I won’t attempt to dissuade them.
They should recognize their taxes will probably rise, and the amount of government services they enjoy (like paved roads) will be reduced. If they are happy with that trade, I have no objection.
But you shouldn’t give them advice which turns out to be false.
Yes, Seattle is truly a cesspool. Half the city can’t even afford food.
The smart people from Eastern Washington have already moved west. What’s left? Not much.
The governor is broken, stupid and corrupt, he owes the unions for getting him reelected. The Mayor is mentally ill, the city council is a clown and commie festival. Sad and failing place.
Do not miss it in the least.
Past failing, downtown Seattle is like a graveyard. All you see are cranes from one end to the other, like giant skinny tombstones.
I do not miss the place, too many libturds.
And if your real life personality is anything like your online persona, it’s possible you are not missed much. That said, we’re a good-natured bunch and folks in my office all get along regardless of political differences. The upside of social libertarianism is people believe you have a right to live the way you want – though the downside is that if “living the way you want” means you insist on being able to tear down other people for their choices (religion, sexual orientation, whatever) you might feel unwelcome and that there is a contradiction in this supposed “tolerance” (even though there isn’t). But, hope you’re less bitter wherever you’ve landed. I’m sure you’ll continue to benefit indirectly from all those librul city folk firing up the hot economic engines, so wins all around.
Not bitter, that is a libturd affectation.
Libturds are a drain on cities, see Baltimore, Chicago, any democrat held craphole as an example.
Liberalism line socialism is a failure of ethics, morals and true tolerance.
What hot economic engine, old rusty smoke spewing diesel that won’t run well without extorting the working classes.
As Maggie Thatcher once pointed out “Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money.”
The only benefit I have ever seen is liberalism like cancer is a self limiting disease, it usually kills the host.
Not bitter, that is a libturd affectation.
Yeah, juvenile name-calling is the hallmark of the totally not-bitter.
Still the facts speak for themselves.
Far from bitter, miss the place like a bad cold.
Still the facts speak for themselves.
Which “facts” are those? Your fifty-year-old beliefs about Seattle? Or the modern figures I cited and you told other people to ignore?
Your information is corrupt, you are obsolete.
Recently, I was on the winning side of the elections for most of the candidates and Iniatives on which we voted, so I would seem to be doing pretty well.
Is your most current information on Seattle still a billboard from ~ 50 years ago? Because your comments about Seattle are approximately that relevant.
I lived there for 50 years ASS!
Winning side in washington is looser tax and spend democrats.
Washington and Seattle are poison to the State Of Washington.
You are OBSOLETE, socialism is a failure. You can only steal from produces so long before there are no more producers.
I lived there for 50 years…
So what? That has no relevance to the question of what you know about Seattle now.
Winning side in washington is looser tax and spend democrats.
We voted for ST3 because you get what you pay for. The fantasy-land of endless government services with low taxes is just an obvious lie, peddled to swindle fools out of their money and votes.
You are OBSOLETE, socialism is a failure. You can only steal from produces [sic] so long before there are no more producers.
Tell that to the folks in eastern Washington; as the documents to which I have linked in this very thread show, it’s us producers here in King County who provide government welfare to the folks out east. When will they stop stealing from us liberals?
You are not relevant, obsolete. Epic failure.
ST3 is a huge hole in the ground that is loosing money by the second.
Same socialist garbage, the non producers expect the farmers, ranchers and all other productive citizens to pay for their failed garbage ideas.
I do not miss the cesspool of seattle.
ST3 is a huge hole in the ground that is loosing [sic] money by the second.
It’s our money; we can vote to tax ourselves if we want. Not one dime from eastern Washington goes into ST3.
On the other hand, plenty of money from King County goes into WSDOT, so drivers in eastern Washington can have well-maintained roads.
… the farmers …
Yes, federal farm subsidies are yet another way liberal taxpayers in Seattle subsidize folks in eastern Washington. When will the stealing end?
… ranchers…
Have animals who graze on public land. When willl the stealing end?
You are not relevant, obsolete.
When was the last time your candidate won a U.S. senate seat? 1994?
When was the last time you voted with the majority of Washingtonians for a presidential candidate? 1984?
When was the last time your candidate for governor won? 1980?
Epic failure.
You do not seem to have any of the facts correct.
This boondogle was voted down 3 times, is over budget, off schedule.
Eastern washington has to pay for all the screwups in seattle and olympia.
I voted against the Republiturds and Demonrats because they are crooked and stupid, usually purchased by the unions or worse.
It is not public land if you have the deed and the land was stolen by a illegal quasi government agency. So feeding your cattle on land you own is stealing, only in the demented mind of a libturd.
Best solution Stop wasting good food on seattle, let the bastards starve and start eating each other.
You are obsolete, epic failure. off to the dustbin of history with you.
Eastern washington has to pay for all the screwups in seattle and olympia.
You’re the one with the wrong facts; see the links I have posted elsewhere in this very comment thread. Tax money flows from Seattle through Olympia to eastern Washington, not the other way.
Best solution Stop wasting good food on seattle, let the bastards starve and start eating each other.
(Sigh.) Again with the violent, eliminationist fantasies. Just admit you had to leave Seattle because you have no skills useful in our modern economy, and our rising standard of living forced you to go. (The bitter whines you’ve made from your sour grapes aren’t fooling anyone, you know.)
Still wrong. Seattle is a sink of money not a source.
Stop feeding the trash problem solved.
You must have nothing better to do than annoy.
Liberalism is indeed a dangerous mental disorder.
Seattle is a sink of money not a source.
I’ve posted the link, showing King County receives 65 cents of state government spending for every tax dollar paid to the state. All you’ve done is wallow in denial about it.
Stop feeding the trash problem solved.
Calling your fellow Americans “trash” makes you feel better, does it?
You must have nothing better to do than annoy.
This from the purveyor of contrary-to-fact beliefs and violently eliminationist fantasies — all of which tells us far more about the person making such statements than it ever could about Seattle or liberals.
Same garbage different day, get help.
Liberalism is a dangerous mental disorder and cult.
Seattle is a cesspool, I moved out as soon as I could, nothing has changed for the better.
Most Americans are the result of the disastrous public schools, most are more interested in sports or other time wastes to care about their state or country.
Where is the moderator of this blog.
… moved out as soon as I could…
50 years?
Where is the moderator of this blog.
(Wondering why you didn’t use a question mark?)
I’ve flagged as inappropriate your comments here in which you advocate for the deaths of your fellow Americans. We’ll see if Shift has any standards regarding violent, eliminationist fantasies.
Libturds are a drain on cities, see Baltimore, Chicago, any democrat held craphole as an example. […] What hot economic engine, old rusty smoke spewing diesel that won’t run well …
Indeed, when will Seattle’s liberals finally understand their feel-good policies are killing all the jobs?
In Seattle, where Thursday it advertised more than 9,000 jobs, the company has transformed not only the labor market but the urban landscape. Amazon said Thursday it had more than 40,000 employees in Washington.
Seattle: it’s a job-killer.
You must work for the Mayors office or the city council. Misinformation and Fake Facts.
So why are the idiots in olympia trying to force a Income tax on the citizens of washington if it is such a Engine of Money, Not buying the lies, another balloon that will burst and leave more people in poverty.
You must work for the Mayors office or the city council.
No, I’m just a Seattle citizen who knows the city looks nothing at all like how you’ve here described it.
Misinformation and Fake Facts.
Care to back that up with some examples? No, of course you won’t, because you can’t.
Meanwhile, here’s some more real facts about Amazon and Seattle:
Seattle gave Amazon a great deal on office space in the late 1990s, helping the company to become the employer of many highly-paid technical professionals that it is. Just another wacky Seattle policy which was very, very bad for business.
Wait for the bubble to pop again.
I watched Seattle in the 70’s crash, the 80 Crash, the 90’s.
Taxes went up every time, the waste got bigger, the buy ins to bring in companies got bigger. Now the libturds and regressives are pushing a state income tax to steal more from the poor and what is left of the middle class.
Same crap different decade.
So stop wasting my time spin doctoring, I lived there.
Wait for the bubble to pop again.
Yes, the looming dystopia, brought upon us by foolish liberal policies. The inevitable disaster, often predicted, which never, ever, ever actually seems to arrive.
You could wonder why your predictions never come true.
But that would require the slightest bit of intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, and moral courage, so instead you openly fantasize about forcefully starving children to death, in revenge for their parents seeing right through the garbage that is your entire belief system.
So stop wasting my time spin doctoring, I lived there.
Please keep always and forever needing to use the past tense in that statement.
You must be Hannour, same BS always putting out misinformation, haunting Small government and anti tax and spend sites.
Liberalism really is a mental disorder. See Detroit, Dearborn, any democrat controlled city, results are always the same.
…always putting out misinformation,
That’s rich; your entire response to documented facts here has been to issue groundless contradictions and personal attacks.
…haunting Small government and anti tax and spend sites.
What? Shift is perfectly happy with spending more tax money on roads and prisons. Shift never advocates for reducing the flow of taxpayer-supplied welfare money from King County to Eastern Washington. Shift is happy with tax and spend, so long as liberals pay and Republicans consume.
(Maybe the problem is that you’re commenting on the wrong site?)
Yon did not even read the site information. Bad troll.
Yes, Shift claims to want smaller government and less taxes. So what? The posts here don’t actually advocate for any of the changes needed to make that happen. (And, even if the posts did so, judging from the results of November’s elections, Shift has none of the influence needed to accomplish anything anyway.)
You must be the Director of misinformation and unable to read.
You mean Trump elected?
Get help.
You must be the Director of misinformation and unable to read.
You’re the one believing a site that won’t even pay lip service to its own lip service.
You mean Trump elected?
Hillary Clinton won big here in Washington State, fool — just like she won the popular vote nationwide by millions. Shift was helpless to stop her victory here, Gov. Inslee’s re-election, Patty Murray’s re-election, passage of I-1433 — you know, the stuff Shift actually posted about, many times.
Get help.
You’re not *still* fantasizing about starving all of the children in Seattle to death, are you?
Won big, really, pathetic.
Starving children are the logical consequence of democrat policy’s, see Detroit or any other inner city destroyed by liberals and socialists. You have done more damage and hurt more children not to mention the 51 million killed by Margaret Sanger’s followers, mostly poor and black. Liberals are the most vile racists and murders which is why trash like you continue to haunt sites like this. You just cannot stop doing damage and have to defend the endless stream of failed policy’s.
Won big, really, pathetic.
Your weaseling refusal to take responsibility for what you wrote, right here in this very comment thread, is indeed miserably pathetic.
Starving children are the logical consequence of democrat policy’s. [sic]
No, you clearly advocated for the action, external to Seattle, required to make this happen:
Best solution Stop wasting good food on seattle, let the bastards starve and start eating each other.
In another thread, you compared your fellow Americans to “rabid animals” because they dare to hold political philosophies which differ from yours.
I hope you get the help you imagine others need. Meanwhile, thank you for demonstrating, so clearly and at such persistent length, how easily Shift tolerates violent, eliminationist rhetoric which targets law-abiding Americans.
Take your meds and get help.
Clearly a mentally ill liberal.
A big part of the nations problems, delusional and twisted.
That would be wise, you have the farms, Dams, Infrastructure for international shipping, Coal is transported by train from Montana to the Columbia. You would be far better off without Seattle, Everett, Olympia and Tacoma.
The East side chased the idiot governor out, Seattle did not put the moron on a boat to China.
You would be far better off without Seattle, Everett, Olympia and Tacoma.
Almost every county in Eastern Washington receives more money from Olympia than it pays in taxes, while King County gave more than $2.4B in net money to Olympia in just FY 2013 alone. Taxpayers in what is now Eastern Washington would face much higher taxes for reduced government services if they deprived themselves of the subsidy provided by taxpayers in King County.
I would have liked to choose all of them – hard to pick just one!
Just like the wacky legislation that pasted the council this week on rental units. I remember
the days when Seattle was almost all Republican., and elected Republicans.