Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with second-term Representative Peter Abbarno (R – Centralia, who was elected to a House Republican Caucus leadership position (Assistant Floor Leader) prior to the … [Read more...]
Rep. Cyndy Jacobsen: “We need to take a good look at funding students instead of schools.”
Our Newsmaker Interview is with second term Republican Representative Cyndy Jacobsen who serves the 25th Legislative District (East Pierce County). She is a former Puyallup City Councilmember, … [Read more...]
Senator Nikki Torres: Skyrocketing crime rates were predictable after the Democrats “waged a legislative war on law enforcement.”
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with new Republican Senator Nikki Torres who made history last November when she became the first person of Hispanic heritage to be elected to the Washington State … [Read more...]
Rep. Jim Walsh: “The legislature’s top budget priority must be to provide tax relief to overtaxed Washingtonians”
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with Representative Jim Walsh (R – Aberdeen), the fourth-term legislator from Southwest Washington’s 19th Legislative District (portions of Cowlitz, Lewis, and Grays … [Read more...]
Senator Curtis King outlines the GOP’s Power Washington package and how it is more reliable than the reckless energy strategy of the Democrats
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with Senator Curtis King (R – Yakima) to discuss the Republican’s “Power Washington” package which backers claim is a better plan to meet our state’s future energy needs … [Read more...]
Senate GOP Leader John Braun: “Democrats keep coming up with ways to take more money from people”
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is a pre-session discussion on the issues facing the Washington State Legislature with Republican Senate Leader John Braun of Centralia. Senator Braun was first elected to … [Read more...]
Sarah Isgur’s advice to young people “Go work on a campaign.”
Our latest Newsmaker Interview is with the highly respected commentator and political operative Sarah Isgur, who will be a featured speaker at the 2023 Roanoke Conference (January 27 – 29 in beautiful … [Read more...]
Interview with 2023 Roanoke Conference President Amy Harris
As we begin to look forward, Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with the president of the 2023 Roanoke Conference Amy Harris. Those involved in Washington State politics are well-aware of Harris as she … [Read more...]
WPC’s CEO Michael Gallagher: Washington drivers will “see the tax they pay on gasoline almost double next year.”
Shift's Newsmaker Interview is with Michael Gallagher, president & CEO of the Washington Policy Center, one of the top state-based free market think tanks in the country. Gallagher returned to … [Read more...]
Brett Johnson’s highest priority is to repeal bills “which have hampered law enforcement”
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with 29th Legislative District (Tacoma & Central Pierce County) Republican House candidate Brett Johnson who is taking on controversial two-term Democrat … [Read more...]
GOP State Senate candidate Janelle Cass: We must repeal Democrat laws “to give police the tools and resources they need to keep us safe”
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with Republican State Senate candidate Janelle Cass, who is running against controversial career politician Senator Marko Liias in the 21st Legislative District … [Read more...]
Greg Cheney: “Government should have a robust audit process”
Shift’s Newsmaker interview is with Greg Cheney, a GOP Washington State House of Representatives candidate in the 18th Legislative District (Clark County). The Battle Ground small business owner and … [Read more...]