Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with Representative-elect Greg Gilday from the 10th Legislative District. Gilday erased an election day vote deficit, winning his seat by 867 votes with all votes … [Read more...]
Report Shines Light On Seattle Councilmember’s Radical “Get Out Of Jail Free” Proposal
Earlier this week, ChangeWA released a report that states Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold is attempting to bypass public hearings to pass legislation that would “excuse and dismiss almost all … [Read more...]
Kirby Wilbur: “We now need to restore our movement around fundamental conservative principles.”
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with one of our favorite people in the media, Kirby Wilbur from KVI AM 570 (Weekdays 3:00PM – 6:00PM). Kirby has been a rational and steady voice for the conservative … [Read more...]
Washington State Should Provide each Student’s Family $3,000 to Offset the Costs of Educating the Child
During the coronavirus pandemic, Washington State has transferred a portion of its responsibility to educate our children to the parents and guardians. Because of the cost associated with this shift, … [Read more...]
Maia Espinoza Welcomes a New Daughter as She Runs to Become the State’s School Chief
Those of us at Shift cannot recall another instance in Washington State’s history when a legitimate candidate for statewide office gave birth during the general election campaign. Superintendent of … [Read more...]
Maycumber Says it Takes Courage to Stand up to Violent Protestors
This week’s Newsmaker Interview is with House Republican Floor Leader Jacquelin Maycumber (R – Republic). The Roanoke Conference's 2019 Slade Gorton Rising Star Award winner has represented the 7th … [Read more...]
Discovery Institute’s Steve Buri on how Progressive Theories are Bringing Harm to Cities.
This week’s Newsmaker Interview is with Steve Buri, President of the Discovery Institute, a Seattle based think tank which is at the forefront of a diverse set of local and international issues. … [Read more...]
Professor Cliff Mass Takes on Governor Inslee, Academia, and the Cancel Culture
This week’s Newsmaker Interview is with University of Washington’s Atmospheric Science Professor Cliff Mass. The professor literally wrote the book on local weather patterns (“The Weather of the … [Read more...]
Jeff Wilson, Republican’s Top Hope to Gain a Seat in State Senate
This week’s Newsmaker Interview is with Jeff Wilson, one of the Republicans’ leading hopes to gain a seat in the State Senate. Southwest Washington’s 19th Legislative District’s Senate contest, which … [Read more...]
Newsmaker Interview with 8th Congressional Candidate Jesse Jensen
One of the most surprising results in last month’s primary election occurred in the 8th Congressional District, and that could be a good thing. First-term Representative Kim Schrier received only 43% … [Read more...]
State Treasurer Duane Davidson on How Governor Inslee’s Failure to Call a Special Session will Force Drastic Measures in the Future
Shift's Newsmaker Interview this week is with Washington State Treasurer Duane Davidson. During the coronavirus outbreak, Davidson has witnessed the financial mismanagement of Jay Inslee’s … [Read more...]
Newsmaker Interview with Jason Mercier, On Why it is “Shocking” Governor Inslee and the Dems Aren’t Calling for a Special Session
This week's Newsmaker Interview is with Jason Mercier, Director of the Center for Government Reform at the Washington Policy Center. Given the stubborn refusal of Governor Inslee and the Democrat … [Read more...]