Evidently there is such a lack of potential Democrat leaders in the U.S. Senate that the party was forced to name Bernie Sanders – who has had identified himself as a socialist or independent, and not … [Read more...]
After election, liberals need a place…to cry
The team at Shift has been through our share of elections, which means we’ve known the joy of victory and pain of defeat. And make no mistake, campaign losses do hurt. However, we’d like to think … [Read more...]
Lessons learned from the election: The circular firing squad that is the Democrat Party
We are now finishing up Day 7 of the president-elect period for Donald Trump – with another 66 days to go - and the lessons from the election keep on coming. As Shift highlighted last week, it’s clear … [Read more...]
Lessons from the election: the Obama legacy of a “decimated” Dem Party
Shift has taken it upon itself to provide the public service of sharing a few observations from the recently concluded – except for the random ballots still being counted in Washington State – … [Read more...]
Kshama jumps back on national stage – to shut down Trump inauguration
Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant has been stuck in the background during much of the recent campaign, since she wasn’t on the ballot. Other than occasionally railing against the police, she was … [Read more...]
PC running amok among the Missionaries
Whitman College is generally known for its beautiful location in Walla Walla’s wine country, for being the most expensive University in Washington State, and for appearing on many trendy top 10 lists … [Read more...]
Only a pension keeps some Boeing workers on the line
Plenty of stories were missed in the days leading up the election, as Shift and others focused on the campaigns, but one we didn’t want to let go by was an article in the Seattle Times about a … [Read more...]
Who knew singing about transit could be funny?
Cartoons and music go together – even before MTV – but who knew that they combined well with transit (and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars). Here’s a little ditty that came into Shift’s in-box … [Read more...]
Today’s Big-Spending Liberals: Fuse Washington
Shift has been providing a public service over the past couple weeks in putting a spotlight on some of the individuals and organizations that help grease the wheels of the liberal political machine in … [Read more...]
PC run amok – don’t call prison inmates “offenders”
In what can only be called a case of political correctness out of control, Jay Inslee’s appointee running the Department of Corrections “plans to stop referring to the men and women serving time … [Read more...]
The (McDermott) Hunger Games: Part XXII
We’re in the last week before the election, and so the campaign we compare to the Hunger Games – the race to replace Congressman-for-Life Jim McDermott – is finally seeing the candidates stop dancing … [Read more...]
Obama does radio ad for Dem candidate Wellman, she can’t spell his name
It is rare when a sitting U.S. President has the time to spend doing campaign ads for state legislative candidates, as Shift reported earlier this month. Especially ones he doesn’t know, like rookie … [Read more...]