Labor unions in Seattle have become very adept in recent years – with the help of the elected officials who benefit from their campaign dollars – at using the coercive powers of government to pressure … [Read more...]
Sierra Club steps up public pressure on PSE
The Sierra Club has been on the leading edge of environmental groups that use “campaigns” to help it raise funds with urgent appeals to members. One of the most “successful”, if you call killing jobs … [Read more...]
Noted ‘economist’ Sawant bullies real academics on min wage study
When Kshama Sawant first ran for the Seattle Council in 2013, her background as a community college economics teacher was prominent enough that it gained national attention, though as something of a … [Read more...]
Not a single Seattle Council member supports business community
The Seattle City Council’s descent into the far-Left pocket of the region’s labor unions became even more obvious yesterday, with the unanimous approval of the so-called ‘secure scheduling’ ordinance. … [Read more...]
Labor unions worry about jobs – and “arbitrary” gov’t regulations
Washington State labor unions can generally be counted on to align with environmental groups to help elect liberals to state office. From Jay Inslee on down to your local legislators, the so-called … [Read more...]
Ice cream wars – over minimum wage
The unions of the Washington State Labor Council who paid to get an initiative raising the statewide minimum wage by 40% on the ballot this fall like to use public faces that don’t reflect the big … [Read more...]
Another paper weighs in – a state carbon tax is “a lousy idea”
The activists behind Initiative 732, this year’s attempt to make global warming a state (rather than federal or international) issue, are “certainly heartfelt and well-meaning”, according to the … [Read more...]
Regulators making up new rules to try to stop jobs
Students of geography – and international trade – recognize that Washington State is closer to China and Japan than other state on the North American mainland. For that reason, our state has been at … [Read more...]
Liberals want your tax dollars – for their campaigns
It is saying something when one of the expensive liberal initiatives on this fall’s ballot is such bad public policy that it stands above the others in earning public scorn. And among the … [Read more...]
How far left can Seattle go?
The Seattle Times ultra-liberal economic columnist Jon Talton asked a question in his weekend column that has probably crossed the mind of other taxpayers in the Jet City: “Has Seattle ever had a City … [Read more...]
Jay Inslee’s economy – WA unemployment rate far above national average
Jay Inslee likes to tout job creation as the focus of his administration, a bizarre claim given his constant blathering about climate change being his – and the world’s - top priority. Well, based on … [Read more...]
Spokane officials read Constitution, drop plans to waste $$ on symbolic initiative
City Councilmembers in Spokane evidently came to their senses – or read the U.S. Constitution – and decided against wasting taxpayer dollars on an initiative that might feel good, but clearly violated … [Read more...]