Like Glenn Close rising for the bathtub in Fatal Attraction, liberals are rising from last week’s 59-41% thumping of the carbon tax (Initiative 732) to demand that the next legislature pass a tax the … [Read more...]
Trump won, so when are they leaving?
It has become a bit of a tradition for liberals to threaten to leave the United States if something they don’t like (and don’t expect) happens – such as Donald Trump winning the presidency, Cubs … [Read more...]
Climate claim about ST3 turns out to be false
Regular Shift readers are well aware that there are a great many reasons to vote against the light rail boondoggle known as Sound Transit 3 – or Proposition 1. Chief among them: It takes too long … [Read more...]
Democrats would love a state income tax – but don’t want you to know about it before election
It has been well documented by Shift how much Washington State Democrats love pushing for a state income tax, whether its introducing the multiple bills to create one every legislative session calling … [Read more...]
Today’s big-spending liberals –
Shift has been off the grid a couple days, but that has not stopped big liberal money from pouring into Washington State races. So, upon returning, we decided to highlight the biggest single donor … [Read more...]
The case of the whining Wiggins
Democrats have enjoyed a near lock on state Supreme Court seats in recent years, adding liberal justices through Democrat gubernatorial appointments (Debra Stephens, Mary Yu, Steven Gonzalez) as well … [Read more...]
Clinton campaign mad that her unethical email server is still an issue
Shift tries to focus on shining a spotlight on state and local issues, assuming that that everybody has enough sources for national news. Especially when we have a presidential election less than two … [Read more...]
Lands Commissioner race heats up – Franz tries to cover up her litigation-happy past
Normally the race for Commissioner for Public Lands is a low-key one, not really worthy of the office that controls hundreds of millions of dollars of money for public schools. This year has not … [Read more...]
Today’s big-spending liberals: Sound Transit 3
The first full weekend of general election voting is behind us, and the airwaves (and mailboxes) are starting to fill up with political ads. So, as a public service, Shift is providing you with a peek … [Read more...]
Today’s big-spending liberals – WA Conservation Voters
Now that ballots are on their way to voters, Shift is shining a spotlight on those liberal special interests which are doing their best – with big money – to elect Democrats and advance big-government … [Read more...]
Debates over – so Inslee’s friends go on attack
The Washington governor’s race has been a low-key affair, especially when compared to the presidential contest. Donors on both sides still seem worn out from the 2012 race, when over $50 million was … [Read more...]
Today’s big spending liberal – Nick Hanauer
Now that ballots are going out, campaigns across the state are shifting in to high gear. And, as a public service, the folks at Shift have decided to shine a light every day until November 8 on the … [Read more...]