It has been well documented by Shift how much Washington State Democrats love pushing for a state income tax, whether its introducing the multiple bills to create one every legislative session calling it a “guiding principle” in its party platform every couple years, to having Jay Inslee actually propose a state capital gains income tax back in 2014.
And now, with the election less than a week away, The New Tribune reports that Democrats are complaining that Republicans are telling voters that they want to create a state income tax. You see, telling the truth could cost them votes.
As the TNT wrote, “Voters beware: A vote for a Democrat is a vote for a state income tax. So say attack ads appearing in mailboxes and on TV screens across Western Washington in recent weeks. It’s a common theme popping up in several legislative races this year. So far, at least 14 Democrats in competitive swing districts have been accused of being sleeper agents for a state income tax. Republicans say it’s a fair charge. Democrats say it’s hogwash.”
And what is it about the ads that cause Democrats to claim it’s “hogwash”, given their history on the issue (and when their party’s governor has proposed a state income tax in the past)? According to the TNT, the ads are pretty straightforward:
“In most of the ads, the logic goes like this: Big-time Democratic donors, such as the Service Employees International Union, have called for income taxes. The state Democratic Party itself has a platform supporting a state income tax while reducing other taxes like the sales tax.
“Even though the candidates deny supporting such a tax now, those powerful forces will expect them to vote for one anyway once elected, according to Republican organizers. ‘You really are, in politics, judged by the company you keep,’ said state Rep. J.T. Wilcox, who chairs the House Republican Organizational Committee.”
And the company their keeping at the SEIU, and the State Labor Council, and other major donors that are paying big money to keep Democrats in control of the state House – and take back control of the State Senate – want a state income tax. They just hope their chosen candidates don’t have to admit their preference for one before next Tuesday.
Democrat candidates can say anything when they are running for office, even lie like they do about a state income tax in Washington State, but if they get elected and don’t tow the party line by actually voting against a state income tax, they face the wrath of the party and the unions. Inslee’s ample proof of that.