Shift has been off the grid a couple days, but that has not stopped big liberal money from pouring into Washington State races. So, upon returning, we decided to highlight the biggest single donor today – and perhaps this entire campaign season – a group out of Massachusetts that wants to spend your tax dollars on politicians – the deceptively named Represent Us.
This group does anything but represent Washingtonians. And yet today, they put $100,000 check into the also supremely misnamed “Integrity Washington” political committee that is pushing Initiative 1464. Additionally, there is a report showing an in-kind contribution of more than $1 million from Represent to the campaign today, but we must assume that is a reporting error – or surely you’ll be reading about it in the mainstream media tomorrow.
Regardless of how whether that in-kind report is accurate, Represent has donated over $900,000 in cash to the I-1464 campaign – which is dedicated to getting big money out of politics.
The hypocrisy oozes from these folks.
But don’t take our word for it. The Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly, in a column about last-minute campaign contributions coming in, even calls out the out-of-state money flowing into this dishonest initiative (though this latest check isn’t included, since it came in after he wrote). As he put it, “a pair of out-of-state groups, Washington, D.C., based Every Voice and Massachusetts-based Represent Us, have just put $355,000 behind Initiative 1464, bringing its war chest to more than $4 million. The East Coast groups are using Washington as a laboratory for an idea they hope to push nationally. I-1464 would create a campaign finance system, allowing residents to direct state money to candidates for the State Legislature. It is being heavily promoted in TV ads that do NOT mention public financing.”
That’s right, the out-of-state liberals hiding behind nice sounding groups writing big checks for I-1464, never mention that this is about giving public money to politicians, to tilt elections towards Democrats. As Shift has pointed out before, the people behind this initiative are beyond duplicitous, and very partisan Democrats.
And as Connelly caught on to, they are trying to appeal to liberals by saying (on their own web site) this is about “anti-corruption reforms” and to “End secret money so people know who’s buying political power.”
The reality is it’s about giving your tax money to liberal politicians who can’t get that support on their own.
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