Shift has been using this last week of the year to prepare readers for the debates coming in 2017, by pointing out what we can expect after seeing the lumps of coal that Jay Inslee put in our … [Read more...]
Is the Democrats’ biggest donor breaking the law?
For years the Democrat Party in Washington State has depended on the compulsory dues money of public employee union members to keep it afloat. The various unions that comprise the Washington … [Read more...]
Is Inslee listening – fund schools before donors
The closer the state gets to seeing the budget that Jay Inslee wants the legislature to pass next year, the more apparent it is that our “green” governor must prioritize public school funding before … [Read more...]
Jay’s fundraising job just got easier – he just needs more rich guys
Shift reported earlier this week that a desperate Democrat Governor’s Association (DGA) – down to just 16 members after the election – had turned to Jay Inslee as its leader for the 2018 election. … [Read more...]
Times catches up with Shift on politics of tax increases
A week ago, Shift highlighted one of the lessons learned from the election, which was that Republicans would not be waiting until next year to engage Democrats on the issue that was most often heard … [Read more...]
Inslee back on fundraising trail – preparing for ‘leading’ Dem Guv Assn
It seemed strange to some that so soon after the election Jay Inslee was back on the fundraising treadmill. After all, it is widely assumed this was his last campaign, given how fellow Democrats King … [Read more...]
The Left planning the next war – with Soros’ $$$
Shift has often highlighted (here and here) big-money liberals, and the hypocrisy behind their attempts to control the Democrat Party with their millions in campaign contributions. Now it’s … [Read more...]
Lessons from the election: Maybe higher taxes aren’t the answer
Outcomes were definitely mixed on Tuesday for those who care about economic growth and efficient government. Republicans did capture complete control in D.C. (except for that oft-pesky 60-vote … [Read more...]
Today’s Big-Spending Liberals: Fuse Washington
Shift has been providing a public service over the past couple weeks in putting a spotlight on some of the individuals and organizations that help grease the wheels of the liberal political machine in … [Read more...]
Today’s Big-Spending liberals: Hillary’s mega-money backers!
Time is running out for donors to throw just a little more cash at their favorite candidates (or at least the ones they think are going to win), and clear there are some Seattle liberals who want to … [Read more...]
Democrats would love a state income tax – but don’t want you to know about it before election
It has been well documented by Shift how much Washington State Democrats love pushing for a state income tax, whether its introducing the multiple bills to create one every legislative session calling … [Read more...]
Today’s big-spending liberals –
Shift has been off the grid a couple days, but that has not stopped big liberal money from pouring into Washington State races. So, upon returning, we decided to highlight the biggest single donor … [Read more...]