Democrat State Representative Reuven Carlyle—who will seek appointment to the state Senate seat vacated by Jeanne Kohl-Welles as she raises her public pension on the King County Council—has an … [Read more...]
Democrats line up to replace Carlyle in 36th LD
Democrat State Representative Reuven Carlyle—currently chair of the House Finance Committee—announced his intention to seek appointment to the state Senate seat held by Jeanne Kohl-Welles, … [Read more...]
Media Coddles Liberal Establishment While It Receives Tax Money From Liberal Politicians
Ask a reporter about their job, and you will likely hear some form of the self-congratulatory maxim that they “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Taking a quick look at recent news … [Read more...]
The Bizarro World of Governor Inslee and Democrat Legislators Becomes Even Stranger
In an incredibly bizarre and unprecedented action, Governor Jay Inslee’s office made a public records request of four Democrat senators and two Democrat committee staff members over emails and other … [Read more...]
Despite Record-Breaking Tax Revenues, Democrats and Extreme Climate Activist Still Want More of Your Tax Dollars
In what seems like a song stuck on repeat yet again in Olympia, the Democrats and their extreme “green” friends are trying to spin how to tax Washington residents to the tune of billions of dollars a … [Read more...]
Inslee’s Administration Lost Hundreds of Millions to Scammers
Democrat Governor Jay Inslee has a huge problem on his hands that he is desperately trying to avoid being held accountable for his poor management. It seems that, despite claiming it takes … [Read more...]
Shift’s Recap of the 2020 Legislative Session
The legislation session is over and we can breathe a collective sigh of relief, mostly. One of the worst, and most bizarre, legislative sessions in recent memory is finally over. The Washington … [Read more...]
Energy tax “a vote or two short,” House R’s silenced on union vote
Gov. Jay Inslee’s signature legislation, an energy tax on carbon emissions, has fallen short again. The governor and bill sponsors said Thursday that the policy is officially dead this legislative … [Read more...]
Sound Transit caught breaking finance laws – punishment TBD
The bureaucrats at Sound Transit knew they could be in trouble when they got caught giving the personal email addresses of their customers to the campaign trying to raise taxes to expand their light … [Read more...]
Times dampens spirit of Sound Transit cheerleaders
The coordinated campaign – from elected officials like King County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, to mega-donors who will benefit from construction projects, to the usual … [Read more...]
A tale of two ST3 appeals
Tuesday night featured two Sound Transit-related events, and the contrast between the two shows how supporters of a massive, expensive light rail expansion think they need to appeal to voters in … [Read more...]
Sound Transit campaign raking in the big bucks – from those who benefit from your tax dollars
It is often typical for campaigns to talk about the strength of their grassroots efforts and sometimes it’s even true – just think about Bernie Sanders. More typical is the politician who makes it … [Read more...]