As he seeks a seat on the Port of Vancouver Commission, Don Orange has presented himself as a candidate with the professional, financial and personal qualifications to oversee one of the … [Read more...]
We wanted your Hirst horror stories. You responded, big time
Some background on Hirst Nothing has highlighted the urban-rural divide in Washington recently quite like the issue known as Hirst. What sounds like a boring battle of bureaucratese has actually … [Read more...]
Jay Inslee: The Most Uninterested Guy in the World
Look, nobody is going to accuse Gov. Jay Inslee of being the hardest-working man around. His frequent late arrivals to the office and large blocks of “workout time” on his calendar attest to … [Read more...]
Democrats are pretty clear losers of 2017 tax battles
For the last five years, Washington State Democrats had one clear goal in mind: Use the McCleary education funding case as an excuse to pass new types of taxes. A state income tax, a capital gains … [Read more...]
Maria Cantwell Cantspell 2018 – The Detailed Story of “Medicadgate”
U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, D-WA, has spent her rather long in the tooth public service career accomplishing nothing, really. She gains liberal political favor by voting in whatever way the … [Read more...]
Seattle’s Democracy Vouchers – “…‘cause it’s free money, why not?”
“There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” the old saying goes. It seems kind of obvious, but it bears repeating…a lot. We can’t help ourselves – we’re suckers for the idea of “free.” No place in … [Read more...]
Manka Dhingra’s “nothing-burger” answer on a state income tax
Sometimes a word or a phrase rockets into the lexicon. One week you’ve never heard of it, the next you can’t miss it. That’s true of “nothing-burger,” which is popping up all over lately. When … [Read more...]
Manka Dhingra is a Mega-Lefty
Here at Shift, we love to expose the cozy deals in Olympia and highlight the super-lefty extremists – luckily (?) for us, Seattle has an inexhaustible supply. But the point is, you expect those types … [Read more...]
WEA says “screw the truth,” sticks to lies
What were you expecting, unswerving fealty to the truth? If you know the state teachers union, the Washington Education Association, you know better than that. Already one of Olympia’s biggest … [Read more...]
Somebody has to be the Mayor – plenty of kooks & progressives want in
Somebody has to be the Mayor of Seattle. We don’t actually know that to be true, but it sounds right. If there was no mayor, would anyone notice? It reminds us of the meme from last year’s … [Read more...]
In fight for Hanford clean-up, “leading” Dems show no leadership
Workers at the Hanford nuclear reservation near Richland got a scare Tuesday. A tunnel at the site partially collapsed. The incident prompted a brief evacuation of the immediate area while officials … [Read more...]
Inslee on bipartisan bill: Nah, the enviros won’t let me
Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA) is so restrictive that some school districts can’t even find appropriate land for building new schools. In a way, the law is fulfilling its goal: to be greatly … [Read more...]