U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, D-WA, has spent her rather long in the tooth public service career accomplishing nothing, really. She gains liberal political favor by voting in whatever way the Democratic leadership tells her to, then jumps on the campaign trail to tout her list of successes — only it’s limited to the work done by other senators.
It would appear Cantspell’s only goal is to simply remain on the taxpayer funded salary train long enough to collect a hefty pension. Then she will ride off into the sunset of mediocrity and obscurity.
Cantspell’s aversion to actually working is only matched by her aversion to facts and common-sense. So, it is a truly special day when the liberal Senate leadership team can coax her out of her cozy office and onto the Senate Floor.
Democrats in Washington, D.C. are cobbling together an all-hands on deck defense of Obamacare as Republicans continue to work on health care reform. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and his band of misfits called on their best and brightest to provide a line-by-line verbal assault on the draft GOP health care plan from the Senate Floor but, we believe, those calls must have gone to voicemail, so they were left with our junior Senator.
Senator Cantspell made a rare appearance on C-SPAN to speak about an issue she is clearly passionate about. So passionate, in fact, she couldn’t even be bothered to spell check her sign.
(Just in case you think this is Photoshop, click the image to see it on C-SPAN’s website.)
Senator Cantspell’s “War on Medicad” epitomizes her time in Congress. She’s never been one to care about the issues, care about the details, really anything at all — especially her staff. We are checking in on the health of the poor staffer who let “Medicadgate” happen (we’re assuming he’s receiving fine care since Congressional Democrats exempted themselves from Obamacare).
Cantspell’s “Medicadgate” grew internet legs instantly. We’ve collected a few of our favorite comments below. Moments like these always seem so funny…when they’re not coming from a representative of our state.
This actually happened. That's Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-WA, or as she might put it, Cantspell. pic.twitter.com/ZLJljAsctJ
— Brit Hume (@brithume) July 12, 2017
Senate Democrats discussing what they call the GOP "War on Medicad" while fighting their own War on Spelling… pic.twitter.com/qHsDKbHkpe
— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) July 11, 2017
Just in case you were wondering whether Dems put a lot of thought into their opposition. #resist #medicad pic.twitter.com/FDskCbQd1r
— Josh Holmes (@HolmesJosh) July 11, 2017
Donald Fehling says
If North Korea would nuke Seattle, the common sense IQ of Western Washington would go up 60%. I have been in Seattle so often it is sickening the way these people conduct themselves. I really hate Seattle people.
tensor says
So, who will be the Republican sacrificial victim to our long-serving female Democratic senator this time around? I’m guessing it will be someone white, male, undistinguished, and with a huge sense of entitlement. (Is Dino Rossi available?)
Any hope this person will get 40% of the vote?