When news broke of a federal investigation that resulted in a subpoena of his office records and search of his home last week, State Auditor Troy Kelley was on vacation. Today is his first day back since the news became public, but that doesn’t mean Kelley is ready to offer up any additional information as to the purpose of the search and subpoena.
According to The Capitol Record, Kelley denies knowing “why a federal grand jury is interested in his former real estate services company.” In a written statement, Kelley asserted that he “remains puzzled” by the federal investigation. He insisted that all his actions over the years have been “lawful and appropriate.”
There is, however, reason to doubt Kelley’s denials. As Shift reported, evidence based on lawsuits over the past decade involving Kelley and business associates link the current state auditor to misappropriation of $3.8 million from mortgage borrowers, money laundering, tax evasion, and even burglary.
A subpoena released by the Auditor’s office reveals that federal investigators are “looking into financial activities related to The Post Closing Department, Kelley’s former real estate transaction business in California,” according to The Capitol Record. Specifically, the U.S. Attorney is “seeking information on Jason Jerue, a California man who worked with Kelley at the business.”
Interestingly enough, Jerue has worked as a contractor for the state Auditor’s office since 2013. Kelley assumed office in 2013.
The federal investigation involving Kelley is the latest in a long series of corruption scandals involving Democrats in Washington State. These include:
- The New Direction PAC—funded by California billionaire Tom Steyer and the who’s who of liberal special interests groups—worked tirelessly to implement a far-left agenda in Washington State. With New Direction acting as the “parent” organization, Steyer and special interest donors – the labor-supported Kennedy Fund, the State Labor Council, the Conservation Voters, FUSE Votes (previously identified by SHIFT as a front group for the Progress Alliance of Washington) and the SEIU State Council—managed to launder money through the phony PACS in a coordinated attack efforts.
- Mike Wilson, former Democrat candidate for state representative in the 44th Legislative District, using his position as a high school cross country coach to recruit students to volunteer for his campaign. During practice, students were sent home with doorbelling packets complete with home addresses, maps and a script. Additionally, a public records request for Wilson’s emails revealed that the Democrat used public resources to benefit his campaign. The Everett School District launched two investigations into Wilson’s illegal campaign activities.
- Democrat corruption is always at its finest in Snohomish County. From former County Executive Aaron Reardon’s on-the-clock sexual escapades with an employee, to former State Senator Nick Harper’s extracurricular activities with a lobbyist, to former high-level Democrat staffer (to both Reardon and State Senator Steve Hobbs) Kevin Hulten having self-made porn on his government computer and State Senator Marko Liias being hired by City of Mukilteo mayor and “longtime political ally” Jennifer Gregerson for $65,450 a year in order to manage “the city newsletter and other projects assigned,” there seems to be no end to Democrat corruption coming out of Snohomish County.
- Speaking of Snohomish County… Democrat County Executive John Lovick recently came under fire for granting handsome pay hikes to 16 high-ranking staff members without the County Council’s approval. The total pay raises, including benefits, amount to nearly $150,000. One of those 16 high-ranking staff members to benefit from Lovick’s generosity with taxpayers’ dollars was Deputy Executive Mark Ericks who was recently accused of threatening to kill members of the county council. Witnesses confirm that Ericks threatened he “would ‘shoot’ or ‘kill’ council members because of their recent political decisions.” He also called one council member a “terrorist.” The latest in the saga occurred last month when news broke that county authorities asked an outside police agency to launch an investigation into claims that Ericks “pressured staff to approve development permits.”
- The ties between disgraced former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, his fiancé Cylvia Hayes and Jay Inslee cannot be ignored. As Shift reported, the web of extreme “green” corruption is bigger than the Kitzhaber scandal. Just like in Oregon, extreme environmental groups have unethically influenced Jay Inslee and the policy-making process in Washington State. Both governors allowed advisors paid-for by California billionaire and “green” hypocrite Tom Steyer to influence their green agendas. Both attempted to hide gas-tax schemes from the public and both have records of pandering to extreme environmental organizations. You can find out more here and here.
Shift will keep you updated on the Kelley investigation—and all other mentioned scandals—as more information becomes available.
Hey, I never heard of you Guys.
I’ll add you to my Faves.
There’s a lot of taint in the democratic party.
HOW do these crooks and crazies get elected? Is it that the people on the west side of the mountains see a D by a persons name and just vote for the D. Why is it that we only find out about these people after they get elected? These crazies can even be senators like out own PATTY M. she said when she was elected, I’m only in for ONE TERM and how many terms back was that. There is two of these crazies as elected officials in Seattle, I’ll let you guess who they are. Like all democrats they can think of so many ways to tax us and spend our money.