Democrat Snohomish County Executive John Lovick, who granted handsome pay raises to 16 high ranking staff members without the County Council’s approval, is now dealing with serious allegations leveled against, well, the highest ranked member of his staff. King 5,
The chair of the Snohomish County Council is accusing the deputy executive of workplace harassment and wants an outside investigation into his conduct. The accusations come after several reports of apparent death threats made to council members in a recent closed door staff meeting.
Deputy Executive Mark Ericks’ comments have been labeled by Councilman Dave Somers as “way over the top.” Witnesses confirm that Ericks threatened he “would ‘shoot’ or ‘kill’ council members because of their recent political decisions.” He also called one council member a “terrorist.” Somers referred to the comments as part of an “ongoing pattern of angry behavior by Ericks that has created a hostile work environment.”
Notably, Ericks’ death threats “came just four days after the deadly school shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School.” Ericks has declined any formal interview. However, King 5 points out that Ericks has not denied the allegations. In fact, he classified his comments as a “dispute among friends” and assertions of workplace harassment as “merit-less” remarks that “could be simply considered ‘venting.’”
Dems seem to think that accusing people who disagree with them ‘terrorists’ is commonplace nowadays. They have such great examples in Washington that influences their behavior, as they have no mind of their own and common sense is disregarded.
He better use his own gun and not a “transferred” one without a background check. That will be $25.00 tax (I mean fee) each………..
typical DEMOCRAP.
No surprise. A true liberal have communists tendencies.