We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: There must be something in the water in Snohomish County that brings out the true nature of Democrat politicians—from former County Executive Aaron Reardon’s on-the-clock sexual escapades with an employee, to former State Sen. Nick Harper’s extracurricular activities with a lobbyist, to former high-level Democrat staffer (to both Reardon and State Sen. Steve Hobbs) Kevin Hulten having self-made porn on his government computer, to Mukilteo Mayor Jennifer Gregerson hiring “longtime political ally” State Sen. Marko Liias to write the city newsletter… for $65,450 per year.
New reports now indicate that Snohomish County Executive John Lovick “unilaterally gave handsome pay raises to 16 high ranking staff members without asking for the approval of the County Council.” The total pay raises, including benefits, amount to nearly $150,000.
Councilman Ken Klein called foul, pointing out that “the auditor, the assessor, the treasurer were all asked to take 6 percent cuts at the same time he was giving his upper level management, the people who make the most money in the county, a 10 percent raise.”
According to King 5, “Klein and two other council members have now sent a letter to Lovick telling the Executive he is violating the law.”
Yesterday, while unveiling his 2015 budget, Lovick defended his cronyism. He then had the audacity to announce his plans for a 1% property tax hike in order to pay for budget shortfalls, including Oso landslide recovery efforts.
The County Council will now have the opportunity to either approve the budget, or pass it back to Lovick.
Tell us more about Lovick & Pennington! shine some light on OSO!
I do believe Democrats are under the assumption that only other people have to follow the law.