The Seattle Times, like most newspapers, is a big proponent of open government. Individual privacy takes a back seat when it comes to a newspaper’s right to information. So one might think that the … [Read more...]
Do Crosscut writers have a clue?
Shift will be covering the wacky appointment of wacky liberal Rebecca Saldaña as the new 37th State Senator later. But in the interim, let us ask this about the Seattle elites favorite blog – does … [Read more...]
Inslee gets a taste of almost full-time work – will it last?
Shift has been the only media outlet in the state which monitors our governor’s daily schedule, to provide the public a sense of his work ethic and priorities in office. Over the last year, we’ve been … [Read more...]
Is Inslee listening – fund schools before donors
The closer the state gets to seeing the budget that Jay Inslee wants the legislature to pass next year, the more apparent it is that our “green” governor must prioritize public school funding before … [Read more...]
Seattle school board blames Super for their failure to close achievement gap
Seattle Public Schools have long faced self-inflicted problems, from destroying the neighborhood school concept with voluntary busing, to budget deficits because of poorly negotiated personnel … [Read more...]
Times catches up with Shift on politics of tax increases
A week ago, Shift highlighted one of the lessons learned from the election, which was that Republicans would not be waiting until next year to engage Democrats on the issue that was most often heard … [Read more...]
Inslee back on fundraising trail – preparing for ‘leading’ Dem Guv Assn
It seemed strange to some that so soon after the election Jay Inslee was back on the fundraising treadmill. After all, it is widely assumed this was his last campaign, given how fellow Democrats King … [Read more...]
Corrections chief: It’s hard to count – so mistakes will keep happening
The Washington State Department of Corrections is not an agency that you want to read a whole about, if things are being done correctly. The men and women who protect society by keeping criminals … [Read more...]
Seattle must have plenty of money – blows $100 million on a dump
You might think that the city of Seattle is lacking the resources to properly fund its public priorities. After all, the school district is facing a deficit, and city council members are talking about … [Read more...]
Seattle schools face deficit, blame state for their failures
The bureaucrats running Seattle Public Schools have rarely been mistaken for being at the top of their class. The state’s largest school district is rarely in the news for innovation and … [Read more...]
Inslee said “time to get to work,” didn’t mean him
Earlier this week, Jay Inslee sent out yet another fundraising email, exhorting his followers that “it’s time to get to work”. Evidently, he didn’t mean that for himself, as our latest look at his … [Read more...]
Now – more than ever
You can tell that Jay Inslee is back from his Hawaiian vacation, as he is back on email, begging for money. And, using the tactic which Shift predicted would be the go-to one for liberals like Jay, … [Read more...]