You can tell that Jay Inslee is back from his Hawaiian vacation, as he is back on email, begging for money. And, using the tactic which Shift predicted would be the go-to one for liberals like Jay, he’s trying to use the specter of Donald Trump to raise funds.
In the email that arrived today, Inslee laughingly says that “it’s time to get to work” – this coming from a man who has put in less time at work in the governor’s office than the people who clean it.
He goes on to say that “this wasn’t the email I thought I’d be writing”, because “we saw a man who built his campaign … on harnessing the fears that divide us — win this election.”
Now, one could say that man was Jay Inslee, given the divisive and fear-mongering nature of the campaign he just waged. But, no, he means Donald Trump.
And, even though Inslee has no ability to “prove that our way beats Trump’s way”, he wants your money anyway. In fact he needs you to “help me raise $20,200”, a bizarre figure that must be linked to the victory bonuses he owes his staff and TV consultants (it was over $100,000 in bonuses after his last election).
But, you rest assured that you’ll get a break from Inslee’s begging soon – because the fundraising freeze starts Dec. 10, meaning he can’t ask for money again until after the legislative session adjourns sometime in 2017.
So, has the person who closes the HTML tags at Shift not yet returned from vacation, either?
Maybe the person who obsessively trolls Shift (you) should take a long vacation. I hear North Korea is beautiful this time of year.
Shift constantly complains that Gov. Inslee doesn’t make the proper amount of effort required for his job. The anonymous poster here didn’t even bother to scan the final product after hitting “post”. (Way to lead by example, whomever you are.)
(Maybe you’d need to “obsessively troll Shift” before you could notice this, but most of us casual readers can see it at a glance.)
Luckily, you can avoid living in Jay Inslee’s Washington, by moving to a place where government is minimal and you can own any number of firearms. Given that it’s in the tropics, Somalia should be good at any time of year.
The anonymous poster (you) constantly complains about stuff like HTML tags while ignoring the substance of the post. In fact, the anonymous poster (you) makes the FIRST anonymous comment in the discussion not about the issue of the post, but anonymously claiming a coding error on Shift’s part. This would probably be because you have no rebuttal on the pathetically little time Greenie actually works at governing our state. Since he doesn’t have to campaign full time for 3 1/2 more years, he has plenty of slots open for sandbox time. You should apply for one. I hear he drives a mean Tonka bulldozer.
“you can own any number of firearms”
Meanwhile, The 2nd Amendment already says I can own any number of firearms I want to right here in the USA, and I can obtain them out of state if I choose not to participate in carpetbagger Bloomberg’s ineffective purchased gun registry.
The anonymous poster (you) …
My pseudonym appears at the top of each comment I post here, just as your pseudonym appears at the top of each comment you post here. No name of any kind appears in the front-page post, so it is anonymous — unlike our comments. (You really don’t need to keep confirming you don’t know the meanings of the words you use.)
In fact, the anonymous poster (you) …
My pseudonym appears at the top of each comment I post here, just as your pseudonym appears at the top of each comment you post here. No name of any kind appears in the front-page post, so it is anonymous — unlike our comments. (You really don’t need to keep re-confirming you don’t know the meanings of the words you use.)
…FIRST anonymous comment…
My pseudonym appears at the top of each comment I post here, just as your pseudonym appears at the top of each comment you post here. No name of any kind appears in the front-page post, so it is anonymous — unlike our comments. (You really don’t need to keep repeatedly re-confirming you don’t know the meanings of the words you use.)
…claiming a coding error on Shift’s part.
You’re seriously doubting Shift made an error which is immediately obvious to anyone who can see the difference between plain and bold text? Really?
This would probably be because you have no rebuttal on the pathetically little time Greenie actually works at governing our state.
I was merely noting that anyone who decides to tell someone else how to do his job should first lead by example. Failing miserably at something as basic as typing a blog post does not support Shift’s implicit claim to know how to do anything more challenging, like governing our state in the face of implacable (if irrelevant) criticism.
Since he doesn’t have to campaign full time for 3 1/2 more years,
He’s a proven winning candidate, and so this is a perfect time for him to raise funds. This web site is owned by Sermo Digital, a firm which receives income from similar funds raised by Republican candidates. What you so risibly called the “substance” of this post is simply their expression of jealousy that re-elected Governor Inslee will do a much better job of raising such funds than any Republican will right now.
…I can obtain them out of state if I choose not to participate in carpetbagger Bloomberg’s ineffective purchased gun registry.
Why stop at out of state? In Somalia, you wouldn’t face any restrictions at all.
“No name of any kind appears in the front-page post”
Shift WA is as much of a name as tensor, anonymous moron.
“No name of any kind appears in the front-page post”
Shift WA is as much of a name as tensor, anonymous moron.
“No name of any kind appears in the front-page post”
Shift WA is as much of a name as tensor, anonymous moron.
“I was merely noting…”
You were merely making a big deal of a small thing to deflect attention from the fact that Greenie spends less time in his office than the people who clean it, although this tactic probably fooled your fellow Democrats.
“this is a perfect time for him to raise funds”
I wasn’t aware that executing the office of governor required the office holder to “raise funds”. Since he won’t be campaigning until 2020, why is now the “perfect time”?
I don’t have to travel half way around the world to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights. 300 miles is plenty, anonymous moron.
Shift WA is as much of a name as tensor…
Refusing to acknowledge you confused the two great big long words (b-b-but they have so many of the same letters!) doesn’t make you look any less silly, you know. (You really, really don’t need to keep repeatedly re-confirming you don’t know the meanings of the words you use.)
You were merely making a big deal of a small thing….
Wow! On the third try and after I’d pointed it out to you merely twice, you finally noticed an error so obvious, it had been literally staring you in the face the entire time. (Oh, were I a betting man, I could have collected from my fellow liberals, big-time…)
And no, proofreading is not a “small thing” to publishers who care about their audiences.
I wasn’t aware that executing the office of governor required the office holder to “raise funds”.
It doesn’t. (You’re welcome!) Being a member of a political party pretty much obligates any member to do so. That’s one of the reasons I do not like political parties, and so have never joined one.
Since he won’t be campaigning until 2020, why is now the “perfect time”?
Because he’s a proven winner and his opponents are proven losers. (Again, you’re welcome.)
I don’t have to travel half way around the world to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights. 300 miles is plenty…
But then you have to return to a place where the majority of your fellow voters chose to curtail your precious, precious rights. If you moved to Somalia, you wouldn’t have to accept such egregious insults from us, now would you?
Nice adult conversation here. YOU, young man, are exactly what is wrong with our society. Get a job,
Nice adult conversation here.
Shift gives me little to work with in that regard, and the sympathetic commenters here don’t help, but I do try. Thank you for noticing,
Get a job,
I have a job, you silly old fool, and if YOU were even to attempt understanding of what I and my co-workers do every day, the effort alone would instantly knock you unconscious.
YOU and your ignorant opinions are the problem with this country, YOU ignorant old fool, and it’s long past time YOU learned that — even if it does mean YOU actually learning something.
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