The Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) is often put in a difficult position, charged with determining violations of sometimes-arcane (if not downright confusing) elections law, occasionally in a short … [Read more...]
Friday Funny – Inslee panics! Or not!
One of the reasons that this year’s gubernatorial race has been so low-key is that the mainstream media doesn’t spend much time looking beyond Jay Inslee’s press releases, to actually let voters know … [Read more...]
Liberals keep hiding on income tax, especially on the ballot
Shift has reported often about just how much Democrats in Washington want a state income tax, and just how much they (especially Jay Inslee) don’t want voters to know that they want an income … [Read more...]
Seattle Times still ignores Inslee’s income tax
Just yesterday, Shift was pointing out that the Seattle Times just does not want to tell the public that Jay Inslee supports a state income tax. We couldn’t even find the story about Inslee promising … [Read more...]
Murray shamelessly exploits tragedy, still ‘met with boos’
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is well-known for his thin skin when criticized, and thus he could not have been looking forward to yesterday’s press conference in the University District to talk about … [Read more...]
Income tax advocates embarrassed to call it an income tax
Shift has reported several times, most recently here and here, about the fight by liberal activists to create an income tax in Olympia. Their stated goal is to help students pay for college, but even … [Read more...]
Three truths you won’t hear from Sound Transit’s PR machine
There is one sure-fire way to tell that we have passed Labor Day, and that campaign season is in full swing – elected officials and bureaucrats not on the ballot start showing up with editorials … [Read more...]
WSU prof lies about farmers, wrist is severely slapped
The week before Labor Day is often slow for news, as summer dwindles to a close with people wrapping up vacations and kids getting ready for school. Stories often get lost in the shuffle, and thus … [Read more...]
Clinton’s memory not so sharp when FBI was asking questions
The Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal is turning into the Energizer Bunny – it just keeps going and going - dominating the national headlines as the presidential campaign heads into the Labor Day … [Read more...]
Regulators making up new rules to try to stop jobs
Students of geography – and international trade – recognize that Washington State is closer to China and Japan than other state on the North American mainland. For that reason, our state has been at … [Read more...]
Western State tries to keep lack of accreditation quiet
The state’s largest psychiatric hospital has been much in the news this year for a wide variety of challenges, but evidently didn’t see the need to highlight that it “quietly withdrew from a national … [Read more...]
Carbon tax supporters point to B.C. success – but folks in B.C. don’t
The green activists behind Initiative 732 – Washington State’s carbon tax push – like to point out that the concept has worked in British Columbia, even if it’s never been tried in the United States. … [Read more...]