Just yesterday, Shift was pointing out that the Seattle Times just does not want to tell the public that Jay Inslee supports a state income tax. We couldn’t even find the story about Inslee promising to veto any tax increases that used to be on the Times’ web site.
Well, today columnist Danny Westneat does point us to that story from 2012, where Inslee started truly lying about his view on taxes (“I would veto anything that heads the wrong direction and the wrong direction is new taxes in the state of Washington.”). But he continues to claim Inslee does not favor an income tax, even though he proposed one in December, 2012.
According to Westneat, Inslee should be in re-election trouble this year because he “just wasn’t honest with voters about taxes” in his last campaign. However, Westneat finds fault with Inslee’s Republican opponent, Bill Bryant, for suggesting Jay supports an income tax by flatly stating “Inslee has never proposed an income tax.”
When will the mainstream media actually admit they are wrong about that, and that Inslee is lying now just as much as he lied in 2012 about taxes?
Inslee proposed a capital gains income tax in 2012 – even Westneat admits this in article, writing that Inslee “just as clearly broke this promise two years later, by proposing $1.5 billion in taxes on large capital gains and carbon pollution.”
Yet, even though the federal government classifies capital gains as income – and taxpayers must report capital gains as income on their tax return if Jay Inslee wants to be able to tax it – because the “green” governor calls it an excise tax, the media goes along with him.
Makes you wonder who they want to win this election, right?
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