One of the reasons that this year’s gubernatorial race has been so low-key is that the mainstream media doesn’t spend much time looking beyond Jay Inslee’s press releases, to actually let voters know what a disaster his administration has truly been. Evidently it is much easier to just ask whether he supports Donald Trump or something like that.
From his daily calendar (which gives a glimpse of his “work” habits, to his campaign communications devoid of anything concerning his accomplishments (evidently he doesn’t support Trump), to the Super PAC that gets money from people he “negotiates” salaries with, the media turns a blind eye.
Recently, however, Seattle P-I blogger Joel Connelly has expressed irritation with Inslee’s constant – and inaccurate – begging for campaign cash. And the fact that while he begs for cash, the State Democrat Party (which has contributed more than $1.6 million to Inslee’s campaign) keeps telling reporters that the race is over.
So that gave Shift the idea to share with those of you who are not on Inslee’s “friends” list some of his latest campaign emails, for this edition of our Friday Funny.
It’s hard to choose which email to write about, as Jay provides a wealth of riches to choose from. In fact, he has sent out no less than 10 emails in the last five days (the latest one at 2:28 this afternoon) all to focus on the need to – get this – raise $15,000! That was what our “green” governor told folks in the first email Monday, subject line ‘Upfront’, (“I’ve set an ambitious goal for our campaign: $15,000 before our mid-month deadline this Friday.”)
That laughable amount – considering Jay has raised over $8 million dollars for his campaign – is allegedly the sole focus of Jay this afternoon, as his campaign fundraiser writes that “Jay asked me for an update on our rapid response fundraising goal. I told him we still had another $4,783 to bring in if we’re going to hit our target by midnight tonight.”
So evidently Inslee has struggled to raise a little more than $10,00 so far this week, despite such compelling emails containing these subject lines:
- Upfront
- Fwd: upfront
- October surprise
- The Koch brothers want Washington
- Fwd: The Koch brothers want Washington
- Why it’s important
- Fwd: Why it’s important
- Help from 98072
- Jay wants to know
In addition to the above, Jay also took time out from begging for money for himself to send a blast to his donors on Wednesday to raise money for one of his million-dollar campaign donors, the national League of Conservation Voters. In that missive, titled “These five climate leaders”, he asked for money to help Hillary Clinton, and four U.S. Senate candidates across the country who are currently trailing in their races, telling his “friends” that “I’m writing to ask you for a contribution — but not for my campaign.”
Not the most flowery of language for his green buddies, but Jay appears to save that for his campaign’s own emails, as he littered his money pleas this week with statements like:
“With big money from his very rich friends, Bryant can launch an October surprise blitz of attack ads. Jay’s campaign could be caught off guard.”
“we know big money could turn this race upside down.”
And, “If 7 people in the 98072 zip code contribute in the next 60 minutes, we can get back on track.”
Thankfully, this current series of emails will stop by midnight tonight…to be replaced by the next series of emails, undoubtedly about the need to raise money before his month-end deadline.
Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
David Preston says
Here’s a blog article I wrote about corruption in the non-profit sector in Seattle. It takes some time to get through, but you’ll be much smarter by the end. Be sure to have an air sickness bag nearby.