Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with Caitlyn Axe, the author of a new must-read report from the Discovery Institute’s Fix Homelessness project. The report revealed that the King County Regional Housing … [Read more...]
We Heart Seattle’s Andrea Suarez: “a dogmatic adherence to the ‘housing first’ policy shuts out other solutions”
Shift is re-running its recent interview with We Heart Seattle Founder and Executive Director Andrea Suarez as we help promote the 5.7-mile march volunteers are making on Saturday (October 21st) … [Read more...]
Jason Rantz talks about his upcoming book, “What’s Killing America, Inside the Radical Left’s Destruction of our Cities.”
Our Newsmaker Interview is with KTTH Radio Host (3:00PM – 7:00PM Daily), FOX News contributor, and new author Jason Rantz. His first book, "What’s Killing America, Inside the Radical Left’s Tragic … [Read more...]
3rd CD GOP candidate Leslie Marshall Lewallen: “I am the only candidate that can win back this seat.”
Councilmember Leslie Marshall Lewallen, a conservative GOP candidate in Southwest Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, is Shift’s Newsmaker Interview. The Camas City Councilmember and former King … [Read more...]
Rep: Couture. “There is a common theme in all of this – not holding criminals accountable puts all neighborhoods at risk.”
Shift’s interview is with first-term Representative Travis Couture (R-Allyn) to discuss several important public safety issues that have recently been in the media. Earlier this week Representative … [Read more...]
City of Lacey Councilmember Lenny Greenstein explains why there are many encampments in neighboring Olympia and none in his town
The Newsmaker Interview is with City of Lacey Councilmember Lenny Greenstein. Last spring Discovery Institute journalist Jonathan Choe posted an informative report on why two neighboring cities … [Read more...]
Mayor Woodward: “I am committed to serving a second term with the primary purpose of leaving Spokane in a better position than when I began.”
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward, who is up for re-election after her first term in office. She will be facing Lisa Brown, a liberal career politician and former … [Read more...]
Tree Fruit Association’s Jon DeVaney asserts that the state’s overtime wage laws have cost farmers and farmworkers money, and caused fruit to spoil before it can be harvested.
Jon DeVaney, the President of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WAFTA), is our Newsmaker Interview. DeVaney became involved with the tree fruit industry in 2009 after working with … [Read more...]
Maynard: WA Auditor must conduct full investigation of King Co. juvenile diversion programs, “the human and financial costs are simply too high”
Our interview is with Jackson Maynard, Executive Director of the Citizen Action Defense Fund (CADF), a Washington State non-profit “watchdog” organization which seeks to ensure that state and local … [Read more...]
Was Marc Dones really the best CEO the King County Regional Homelessness Authority could ever hire?
The first CEO of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA) Marc Dones announced his resignation on May 16th after just two years on the job. During that short period, homelessness in … [Read more...]
SGGA’s John Estey: “Spokane has seen commonsense policies pushed to the wayside for far-Left ideas”
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with Spokane Good Government Alliance (SGGA) Executive Director John Estey, as we spotlight the important elections which are taking place this year in the state’s … [Read more...]
Rep. Schmick: The state’s mental health failures are due to “a lack of leadership” from the Inslee Administration
Shift’s Newsmaker Interview is with Representative Joe Schmick (R – Colfax), in which he discussed the recent federal court decision to fine the Inslee Administration $100 million for not providing … [Read more...]