If its latest email to supporters is any indication, the Washington State Democrat Party is quite concerned over the 2016 presidential election. So concerned, in fact, that it has already resorted to the go-to, desperate Koch-brothers-are-the-boogeymen line of attack.
The email warns of the impending financial dangers presented by the Koch brothers and conservative Super PACs. Of course, Democrats hypocritically forget the fact that far-left billionaires—including Tom Steyer and his NextGen Climate Action PAC—and liberal dark money Super PACs considerably outspent their conservative counterparts during the 2014-midterm elections. And, of course, they also leave out Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s sketchy financial ties currently making national headlines.
In any case, the email proceeds to ask recipients to provide feedback on their three biggest issue concerns via a survey. Oddly enough—especially given the topic of the email, campaign finance reform is not one of the options.
Here’s the survey/list:
Choose your TOP THREE issue interests and let us know if you want to be involved:
Consumer protection
Education: K-12
Education: Higher ed
Foreign policy
Gun control
Health care
Income inequality
LGBT issues
Wall Street reform
Women’s health
I want to volunteer
For the sake of complete honesty, Shift would like to suggest four more possible options for the WA Democrats to include in their survey:
- State income tax
- State capital gains income tax
- Raising taxes on small businesses
- Giving pay raises to our biggest campaign donors
You can check out the email below:
Eastside Sanity says
Libs have already lost 2016. 8 Years is all the citizens (even the dumb ones who voted for them in the first place) can handle when it comes to the tax & spend death spiral the democrats put us in. A fool & his money are soon parted.
Biff says
The Democrats are just hacked off because Tom Steyer spent an “astounding” $100 Million on state races in the 2014 election cycle and has virtually squat to show for it. Then the DailyKos “recently leaked” a number they pulled from thin air. It reeks of desperation.