Just four years ago, the biggest spending “independent expenditure” political committee belonged to Jay Inslee. The “Our Washington” SuperPAC spent over $9 million dollars to elect our “green” governor.
This year, Inslee’s Our Washington SuperPAC has relinquished that title, and in fact was the one that put the New Direction PAC over $4 million raised for this year’s elections, with a $360,000 transfer last week. That puts New Direction, which is the main attack PAC for the Democrats’ State House and Senate campaigns, far ahead of the #2 PAC this year, the Washington Education Association.
And New Direction is certainly keeping busy, raising over $3 million dollars since Labor Day, and having spent over $2 million in less than six weeks. It has received over $1 million from the House Democrats campaign account (the Truman Fund) and $960k from the Democrat Senate caucus (Kennedy Fund). Other usual suspects are involved with six-figure checks as well – SEIU, the State Employees Union, and the State Labor Council.
So, if you live in the Fifth, or 17th, or 26th, or 28th, or 30th, or 41st, or 44th legislative districts – where more than $2 million of the attack PAC’s money has gone after GOP legislative candidates, you have probably seen their work. Just remember, the New Direction they want to go is straight into your wallet, courtesy of the new state income tax that is the Democrats’ “guiding principle” again this year.
Don’t say you weren’t warned!
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