Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant, who identifies as a Socialist Alternative Party (SAP) member has managed to scare the rest of the Seattle City Council into creating a taxpayer-provided slush fund … [Read more...]
Socialist Sawant’s foul play charges dismissed
As Shift reported, Seattle City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw filed an ethics complaint against her Socialist colleague Kshama Sawant back in April. Bagshaw claimed that a “town-hall meeting”—publicized … [Read more...]
When will socialist Sawant follow the law?
Last week, socialist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant made headlines for her stunning hypocrisy. As Shift reported, Sawant has allegedly structured payments to her campaign staffers … [Read more...]
New York Times Declares Seattle Victorious in War on Drugs
On August 23rd, The New York Times published a piece entitled “Seattle Has Figured Out How to End the War on Drugs.” Columnist Nicholas Kristof claimed that the city is “pioneering a bold approach to … [Read more...]
Green is the New Red – Seattle edition
Reaffirming their claim as the pioneering avant-garde of environmentalism, the Church of Seattle City Council Progressivism resolved to advance their version of a Green New Deal yesterday. The 12-page … [Read more...]
Seattle U. students demand dean’s resignation, claim “profoundly damaging” experience of reading “old racist and sexist white guys”
Seattle University students decided to show their parents why they are paying a whopping $40,500 per year to attend the school. A group of students have “occupied” the front lobby of the Matteo Ricci … [Read more...]