It was a nice surprise to read this post from The Stranger’s blog (Slog) which criticized the radical leftist group Antifa for their brutal attack on conservative reporter Andy Ngo in Portland a week ago. Yet it was disappointing that the prevailing problem The Stranger had was that “in the long run, all (Antifa) did was hurt their own cause.”
The article argues that because of this vicious attack on a conservative reporter, “Antifa gave both conservative media and politicians fuel for the myth that the left is made up of nitwits and thugs.” The Stranger believes the real problem with the assault is that, “Antifa, once again, managed to give Fox News the perfect talking points.”
The article also outlined recent studies of violent vs. non-violent demonstrations. In the long run, those that are peaceful tend to be more successful than those that cause bodily harm or property damage.
Thus, The Strangerwas not worried about the safety of a reporter or constitutional rights, but more concerned about the safety of their political agenda.
While most normal people were uniformly concerned about journalist safety, freedom of the press, first amendment rights, freedom to assemble, and violence in political discourse, The Stranger is selfishly worried about partisan political battles.
To The Stranger, the physical assault on Andy Ngo, is a mere speedbump to all of us reaching the liberal eutopia of open borders, free health care, forgiven loans, trillion-dollar mass transit, 95% business tax, and disarming private citizens. The Stranger appears willing to sacrifice a few journalists and a few constitutional amendments to reach this utopia. Their post demonstrates that Antifa isn’t the only proof that “the left is made up of nitwits and thugs.”
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