The Seattle City Council just keeps making headlines with its “strategy” for getting people out of their cars and on to city-owned (and then-rented) bikes. And the wasteful antics all come at taxpayer … [Read more...]
What does it take to get a sleazy bureaucrat fired in Seattle?
Last March, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) paid Gabe Klein -- a Washington, D.C., bureaucrat -- nearly $6,500 in speaking fees for a two-hour transportation event at the Seattle … [Read more...]
Seattle bureaucrat Kubly found guilty of ethics violations
The ethics investigation into Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) Director Scott Kubly over his involvement in the City’s purchase of Pronto, the failed bike-share company, is … [Read more...]
New Yorker wants Seattlites to waste more money on transit
Jon Orcutt, a liberal New York activist, wants Seattleites to waste more money on transit. Orcutt is the Advocacy and Communications Director for TransitCenter -- according to him, an organization … [Read more...]
Seattle City Council members want to weaken ethics rules, because they can!
Seattle City Council members are using the voter-approved seven council districts as an excuse for quite a few eyebrow-raising actions. In April, councilmembers voted 8-1 for an ordinance allowing … [Read more...]
3 times Ed Murray “made it up as he went along”
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray has funneled quite a lot of taxpayer dollars into failing to address homelessness in the city. Last year, Murray and King County Executive Dow Constantine declared a “state of … [Read more...]
The Daily Shift – 05/16/16
Jay Inslee is struggling garner enthusiasm and momentum for his re-election campaign... and his campaign is showing it. Also, the PDC wants to use Facebook to disperse its version of government … [Read more...]
The top 3 times “green” schemes proved to be the opposite of “green”
The most frustrating aspect of many extreme “green” schemes is the reality they do not actually work. Time and time again, liberals push “green” regulations that do not put a dent in carbon emissions … [Read more...]
Why did SDOT director decide to praise car-share schemes?
Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) director Scott Kubly penned an op-ed for the Seattle Times all about how, sometimes, he uses a car to commute to work. As a member of a car-share scheme, … [Read more...]
SDOT’s failures spell more trouble of failed bike share scheme
How incapable are the liberals running the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT)? Well, apparently, they can’t even build a bike lane -- going the relatively short and flat distance from the new … [Read more...]
The Daily Shift – 05/06/16
In light of his dismal campaign finance numbers, we decided to take a look at how exactly our green governor spent his work days during the latter half of April. SPOILER ALERT: He rarely worked. In … [Read more...]
Not even “green” cheerleaders want to use a failed bike share company
The future of Pronto, the failed bike-share company that the city of Seattle purchased for $1.4 million (not including the millions more it is expected to pump into the company to keep it alive), is … [Read more...]