The International Franchise Association (IFA) released a new radio ad blasting Service Employee International Union (SEIU) for singling out franchise owners, punishing them for their business model, in Seattle’s new $15 minimum wage law. Earlier this month, the IFA filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Seattle citing the new wage law’s discrimination against franchise owners.
As the $15 minimum wage law currently stands, franchise owners with less than 500 employees are classified as big businesses despite their small businesses status. The classification places franchise owners, who have three years to comply with the new wage law, at a disadvantage to their small business competitors, who have seven years. The IFA is “arguing the legislation should treat franchise owners the same way it treats independent small-business owners.”
Of course, as SHIFT previously reported, the discrimination against franchise owners was planned by the $15 minimum wage law’s masterminds. Read about the targeted discrimination here and here.
Check out the IFA’s radio ad below:
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