Proponents of Prop 1 have an ongoing messaging problem. Their troubles all started when a March 2014 revenue report proved King County Metro deliberately withheld updated information regarding reductions to proposed bus service route cuts. Instead, Metro disseminated old, outdated figures in an attempt to improperly influence voters with false information.
The latest in the web of lies surrounding Prop 1?
According to the Washington Policy Center, Metro officials have not revealed all their plans for the increased tax receipts Prop 1 would bring in to the spend-crazy transit agency.
Metro revealed tax increase plans mere weeks after contract negotiations with the local transit union fell through. In fact, union contract negotiations have stalled for the past three years. More dollars from hard-earning tax payers “would allow Metro managers to offer the union more generous terms, likely breaking the impasse.”
Proponents of Prop 1 continue to bill the measure as a necessity to save bus routes—all while hiding Prop 1’s alternative purposes: cushier union contracts.
Why are we even voting on this as a Proposition? Aren’t propositions supposed to be for grassroots popular support of an issue that is not being taken up the Legislature? Here we have Government using this system to vote itself more money!
Also why did they mix roads in with transit if they really wanted transit. I want more roads, and I like transit — but I want more regional transit. I also think that transit should be funded with property taxes. I felt like I was being wedged into a deal as if I were a politician myself!
I feel that Metro and maybe even King County have outlived their usefulness as an umbrella agencies for areas that now have built out their own local city governments — places like Redmon, Renton and Kent. Maybe we need local transit agencies focused on local routes paid for with property taxes. Regionally SoundTransit does a great job (although I wish they built out LINK faster and ran Sounder more frequently). Why do we have two agencies doing regional express buses? (And I still can’t figure out RapidRide.)
Why are we even voting on this as a Proposition? Aren’t propositions supposed to be for grassroots popular support of an issue that is not being taken up the Legislature? Here we have Government using this system to vote itself more money!nnAlso why did they mix roads in with transit if they really wanted transit. I want more roads, and I like transit — but I want more regional transit. I also think that transit should be funded with property taxes. I felt like I was being wedged into a deal as if I were a politician myself!nnI feel that Metro and maybe even King County have outlived their usefulness as an umbrella agencies for areas that now have built out their own local city governments — places like Redmon, Renton and Kent. Maybe we need local transit agencies focused on local routes paid for with property taxes. Regionally SoundTransit does a great job (although I wish they built out LINK faster and ran Sounder more frequently). Why do we have two agencies doing regional express buses? (And I still can’t figure out RapidRide.)n
Guess I do not get it , why do we have to support metro with tax dollars , then to use this service again you have to pay another fee , why ?
Guess I do not get it , why do we have to support metro with tax dollars , then to use this service again you have to pay another fee , why ?