It’s been widely reported that the negotiations between Jay Inslee and the state employees union are secret, at the union’s insistence. What hasn’t been reported is why the negotiations have to be secret.
A report drawn from the state employees’ survey provides a glimpse – because if negotiations were in the open instead of behind closed doors, the public would find out that the state is planning to give away tax dollars in raises that are not needed.
Of course, Jay Inslee’s position is that raises are needed, because the state employees and other unions provided millions of dollars to get him elected. For him, it’s payback time.
But for public employees, the data shows that:
•Two thirds of state job classes are at or within 25% of the market pay scale.
•The majority of state job classes have a 90% or higher retention rate – including many of those that fall into the more than 25% behind the market category.
•The state still offers platinum/gold benefits plans that are comparable to other public sectors and better than most private sector offerings. Despite a 3% increase in employee contribution rates in fiscal year 2011, Washington state employees still have an overall lower contribution rate than the majority of the market.
Certainly some state employees deserve raises for a job well done, but the union and Jay Inslee don’t look at individuals based on merit. Instead all employees deserve raises, regardless of performance, just based on how long they have sat in the same chair. But the survey shows that the vast majority of state employees are paid on par with taxpayers in the private sector, get much better health benefits that they pay far less for than folks not in government, and thus employees rarely leave their state job.
Shhh – better keep that all secret.
jabwocky says
I think Inslee’s picture is the dictionary, under “criminal”…
rainier4311 says
What the state needs is a Governor who will set the ball in motion to get rid of socialist programs. I know such a person who can fix the problems we face as a state. Education, taxes must be tackled first. The last candidates who ran are too soft and will back down. Pure offense must be played and keep the Democrats on the defense. This may sound like football, but when candidates play soft ball, the State of Washington loses.
Robin Hood says
Sounds like pointless rhetoric ….
Robin Hood says
I know name calling is juvenile & used when facts aren’t evident.
Robin Hood says
I think, you can be sued for libel, unless are mentally unstable & can prove it.
lawdawg541 says
Well, I guess no one will ever sue you then you whackjob. Psst: Liking your own comments is a bit crazy….
Robin Hood says
Andy (NO) Wood- Mt Vernon AKA- the 12 year old furnace filter
changer, with no point, life, or success… Just jealous, I guess !!!
Libel is great, thanks for guaranteeing my pay rate !!!!
lawdawg541 says
Yeah, that’s it, I’m jealous of a fat, bitter, liberal who delivered junk mail for 31 years. Mailman, there is a “challenging” career (cough, cough). What was your biggest risk lard-butt, a paper cut? Or was the minefield of yard-bombs left by Fido? At least I attempted my own business, and was quite successful, until a competitor with a crew of illegals put me out of business. A lowlife liberal like you would celebrate that. Freaking fat ass scumbag, do the world a favor and have a coronary…
Robin Hood says
Andy (NO) Wood- Mt Vernon AKA- the 12 year old furnace filter
changer, with no point, life, or success… Just jealous, I guess !!!
I’ve paid more taxes & worked harder the last dozen years, that a name calling nitwit like you ever will….
Do the spiel about “working for the government”, hypocrite moron….
I sure hope your daughter does better, you’re an EPIC FAILURE !!!
lawdawg541 says
From mail man to Pedophile Santa. Yeah, I’m sure your work life has been really challenging fatso. It’s obvious any “work” you do requires little-to-no physical exertion.
Robin Hood says
Another libelous post, you say ??
Thanks !!
It’s obvious to me your business failed, because it was being run by a juvenile azz, who has no clue !!
Poor, little, loser “man”…..
Yeah dipstick, that’s you !! I wouldn’t hire you to wipe my dog’s azz !!
Anyone, who spends time sitting in a chair pretending they know about work, is a whiny, crybaby jerk !!