Exciting New Addition to Shift WA’s Content Lineup: Our Podcast!
Drumroll, please…
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our podcast, dedicated to delivering insightful conversations on the pressing issues facing Washington state. If you’re concerned about the events unfolding in our state – from rising crime rates to the incessant addition of new tax hikes – and want to have a little fun, this podcast is for you.
Hosted by lifelong Washington state residents, our podcast features interviews with conservative thinkers and leaders who share their perspectives and solutions for the challenges our state faces. And, in the coming weeks, we’ll bring you interviews with candidates vying for offices across our state.
Listen to the inaugural, introductory podcast today – and don’t forget to subscribe!
From Milk Toast to [Semi]–Tough Talk: Sen. Patty Murray’s on Biden
Believe it or not, Sen. Patty Murray is Senate Pro Tempore and third in line to the presidency – so, her opinions carry weight in the Democrat caucus. Since the presidential debate, Murray has remained silent on whether Biden should continue his re-election bid. And, when she did make a statement, it was milk toast at best. Now, however, Murray is changing her tune. On Monday, Murray suggested that Biden should consider dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. Her statement reads:
“More than a week since the debate, and after talking with my constituents, Monday that President Joe Biden still hasn’t proven he is up for the job to defeat Republican rival Donald Trump, suggesting the incumbent Democrat must consider dropping out of the 2024 race to ‘preserve his incredible legacy and secure it for the future.’
“I have a deep appreciation and strong respect for Joe, who has led a historic first term as president. Still, we need to see a much more forceful and energetic candidate on the campaign trail in the very near future in order for him to convince voters he is up to the job.”
Manka Dhingra's Imaginary Prosecutor Gig: Desperation Meets Deception
State Senator Manka Dhingra (D-Redmond) claims to be a King County prosecutor – but, as KTTH’s Jason Rantz recently pointed out, that’s just not true. Dhingra is making her dubious claim in a desperate effort to support her struggling Attorney General campaign. Dhingra, who left her full-time prosecuting role in 2017, briefly returned in 2019 and 2021. Despite her 2021 departure, she continues to list the position in campaign materials – something that King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (KCPAO) disputes.
Following an investigation by Brandi Kruse, the KCPAO requested Dhingra correct her employment status. Despite this, Dhingra insists she’s on a leave of absence, though HR records and public statements contradict her. The truth is, Dhingra is known for supporting controversial, anti-police legislation that has contributed to rising crime rates. Like many Democrats, Dhingra has a long record of championing lenient crime policies. Now, she’s attempting to distance herself from her record in an attempt to win an election. Read more at KTTH.
Democrats’ Next Brilliant Plan: Taxing Your Deliveries
A recent article in the Washington State Standard advocates for the implementation of a fee for deliveries because gas taxes are not providing enough revenue to pay for roads and bridges. Notably, Democrat State Sen. Marko Liias, who chairs the Transportation Committee, is considering the idea.
The article reads:
“For decades, states have relied on gas taxes to provide much of the money to maintain roads and bridges. But as cars become more fuel efficient, and some Americans switch to electric vehicles, state leaders say the gas tax won’t pay the bills for much longer.
“At the same time, many cities have seen their streets crowded with delivery trucks from Amazon and other companies, as consumers increasingly opt to have products delivered to their homes. In a few states, lawmakers think fees on those deliveries could be part of their road-funding solution.”
Of course, the article gives little attention to the consequences of fees for deliveries – including higher costs to consumers and a decrease in the need for delivery drivers. The article also ignores other very obvious options to fund roads and bridges, including but not limited to cutting spending on senseless pet projects and prioritizing funding for roads and bridges. You can read the article here.
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