Perhaps Patty Murray loaned her fellow Democrat Senators her tennis shoes so that 10 of them could tiptoe into town on Saturday for a fundraiser hosted by mega-donor Tom Campion, as reported by the Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly. It’s telling that even in liberal Seattle, the likes of Senators Murray, Tammy Baldwin (WI), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), and Kay Hagen (NC) did not want to actually talk to anyone who wasn’t writing them a check.
It might have been interesting to see Sen. Mary Landrieu from Louisiana debate with her host the merits of fossil fuels, as Campion is a well-known environmental extremist along the lines of fellow liberal money man Tom Steyer. But that debate might not have helped Landrieu much, costing her either cash in Seattle or votes back home.
Where was Kshama Sawnt when Seattle needed her, speaking truth to power?
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