Jay Inslee doesn’t like criticism of any kind, that much is very clear. Perhaps not so obvious is that he is asking local reporters for help in keeping the often well-earned criticism quiet.
It is rumored that reporters were briefed early yesterday about Inslee’s education announcement, but the news was “embargoed” until after he held a public event in the evening (an event which his office did not make available to people who wanted to watch it, despite streaming the event live to selected locations they evidently could control).
This approach allowed Inslee to give reporters the details of his education spending outline, which mainly tracked with popular investments the Republican-controlled state senate put in place in the last budget over Inslee’s objections including a tuition freeze. However, the approach also worked to keep those who might have other ideas for how the state might prioritize education spending from voicing those thoughts during Inslee’s news cycle.
Comrade Inslee is in control!
Ego…ego…ego, too bad there isn’t a reason for it…
The only differences between Inslee and Obama are (???); actually I can’t think of even one.