National media, and the Seattle Times gave prominent coverage to a White House PR stunt earlier this week, organized by the pleasant-sounding “Center for American Progress” and featuring guest speakers from the pleasant-sounding “Main Street Alliance” telling “real-life” stories to support President Barack Obama’s latest push to help Democrats in this fall’s elections.
A peek behind the curtain that the media didn’t take shows how this staged event was really just an extension of the liberal billionaire network the Democracy Alliance, which was outed by Politico on the same day as the White House event.
As Politico noted, the Center for American Progress is a major recipient of so called dark-money, which Democrats love to attack when it helps their fundraising from their own rich liberals. So too is the Main Street Alliance, which was set up by unions in 2007 to make it appear that ObamaCare had the grassroots support of small businesses across the country.
It appears the reason the Times gave this fake event front-page treatment was the presence of Seattle business owner, Makini Howell, representing the Washington the Main Street Alliance and explaining why raising the Seattle minimum wage by over 60% will be good for her business. Of course, she was once again serving as the mouthpiece for the unions that set up her Alliance, just as she was when she wrote editorials on setting up a state bank and supporting the controversial sick-leave policy mandated by the Seattle City Council in 2011.
Although not reported by the Times, Ms. Howell’s Main Street Alliance chapter is “supported locally” (i.e., run by) by the Washington Community Action Network. This is another union front group, financially supported by local dark-money rich liberals organized by the Progress Alliance of Washington.
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