“We’re building a new way of governing the state. Olympia’s not doing anything, so the power is shifting from Olympia to people like me.” – Seattle billionaire, Democrat financier and far-left activist Nick Hanauer.
Oh, the astonishing disrespect for the democratic process that so characterizes the far-left. If it means their extreme agenda sees the light of day, how quickly liberals would do away with the principles that govern our free society.
For Democrats who depend on his deep pockets, Seattle billionaire Nick Hanauer is a key figure in Washington State politics. He has long financed the far-left’s agenda and Democrat candidates. He is so comfortable with King County Executive Dow Constantine that he demands special treatment via texts. He appears to believe Democrat lawmakers owe him their allegiance—unfortunately, these politicians tend to agree.
But, as we learned during the 2014 mid-term elections, far-left billionaires (like Tom Steyer) don’t always get their way—no matter how much money they pump into Democrat campaigns. According to the Seattle Times’ Danny Westneat, Hanauer isn’t too pleased with lawmakers in Olympia. Specifically, he is quite upset with the impending prospect of Republicans in the state Senate stopping the statewide $12 minimum wage bill, which the state House passed last week.
In fact, Hanauer is so upset he has made an outright threat. He told Westneat that if the Legislature doesn’t pass the $12 minimum wage bill, he would go to the ballot with “a statewide $16-an-hour minimum-wage initiative in 2016.” The initiative, which he calls “$16 in ‘16” is something Hanauer say he is “dead serious” about doing. Via the Seattle Times,
“They think $12 is high!” Hanauer mocked. “Here’s their real choice: They can accept $12 now, or it will be much, much higher. If you’re the Association of Washington Business, you should run, not walk, to Olympia and demand they pass that $12 wage bill.”
Hanauer has already taken steps to implement his threat—giving credence to the theory that he plans to move forward with his “$16 in ‘16” plans whether or not the Legislature passes the $12 minimum wage bill. According Westneat, Hanauer is “teaming with other politically active groups, such as unions, and has hired two writers from The Stranger to help push his ideas.” Certainly, Hanauer’s deep pockets allow him to “qualify practically any idea for the ballot.”
The billionaire and his paid-for team will likely claim their goal is to aid Washington’s working families and, most likely, they will successfully get a $16 minimum wage initiative on the ballot. But, as is so often the case with liberals and their initiatives, aiding the working class will not be their real goal.
Westneat points out that Hanuaer’s goal is “to ‘disintermediate’ the legislative bodies — to step between them and the voters.” But, though Westneat makes the point, he fails to recognize the discrepancy between the message voters will be sold and what Hanauer really wants. Hanauer himself makes it clear.
“It’s what Amazon did to the bookstores,” Hanuaer readily admits. He goes on, “We’re building a new way of governing the state… Olympia’s not doing anything, so the power is shifting from Olympia to people like me.”
Hanauer is, simply put, advocating a plutocracy. And, bizarrely, Westneat appears to sympathize with the far-left billionaire. Westneat does ask, “… Is this any way to run a democracy?” He even admits that we will have “a plutocrat in a mirrored skyscraper dictating much of what’s to be on the state’s political agenda.” Unfortunately, Westneat then gives Hanauer the upper hand by portraying him as a champion for the people who is acting out of necessity. He writes,
“People should hate that it’s come to this,” Hanauer said. “Who wants to have a clown like me in charge? But when you have lawmakers saying, ‘No, no, no, we’re not doing anything,’ they are just making themselves irrelevant.”
Man’s got a point. Your move, lawmakers — if you have it left in you to make any.
The reality of the situation is quite different. As Shift has reported, Hanauer is an unequivocal snob—easily found among the ranks of the liberal elite—who has, on more than one occasion, exhibited a complete contempt for the lives of working Washingtonians that verges on mockery of struggling families. Though he prides himself in advocating for the working families, he consistently demonstrates a complete ignorance of their daily lives, i.e. living within a budget. Simply put, Hanauer is an elitist, a man who once attempted to position himself as a market dictator at the expense of the middle class.
And now, it appears, Hanauer is ready to position himself as a pseudo political dictator of Washington State. As his nonchalant quotes reveal, Hanauer is quite at ease with the prospect of deposing the representatives of the people in favor of plutocracy… if he is the one in charge.
tensor says
You must be really frightened of this man, to publish such a juvenile attempt at a hatchet job. Do you really believe a Republican attack site, founded by two guys who live on Mercer Island, will get anything but laughter for saying a liberal is “advocating plutocracy”?
Oh, the astonishing disrespect for the democratic process that so characterizes the far-left. If it means their extreme agenda sees the light of day, how quickly liberals would do away with the principles that govern our free society.
Oh, if this is how you describe our initiative process, the process of direct democracy which is the first right of the people of our great state, then it is you who have “astonishing disrespect for the democratic process” here in Washington.
You are correct to fear the use of an Initiative to evade a Republican-controlled house of our state legislature. Initiative 688, which has caused Washington state’s minimum wage to rise annually for over fifteen consecutive years, to become the highest minimum wage of the fifty states, was originally a bill in the Republican-controlled 1998 legislative session. Republican opposition prevented that bill from even coming to a vote; the verbatim Initiative 688 subsequently was passed with two-thirds of our popular vote.
The consequences of our enacting I-688 have not been good — for the right-wingers who predicted doom:
After 16 years of having one of the country’s most progressive minimum wage policies, Washington’s unemployment rate has been below the national average for four of the past five years, and well below the two regions. And despite the uptick in unemplyment in the years after the wage floor was raised, jobless figures for the state now has a jobless rate that’s lower than the national average.
Brigadier says
“Oh, if this is how you describe our initiative process, the process of
direct democracy which is the first right of the people of our great
state, then it is you who have “astonishing disrespect for the
democratic process” here in Washington.”
Looks like yo need to educate yourself on how the representative republic is supposed to work, and how detrimental to the system the mob rule initiative process really is. Try reading some history.
tensor says
Do you oppose our use of Initiative and Referendum to govern ourselves? It certainly sounds as if you do, by equating it to “mob rule”.
You do understand that you’ve contradicted the point of this post, right? Whatever you might have meant by “mob rule,” a “plutocracy,” by definition, ain’t it.
Also, I quoted extensively from our state’s history. You might profit from reading it.
Brigadier says
Mob rule is not how a representative republic works. Look it up. The initiative process is majority/mob rule. Socialism.
It is one aspect of our system that I disagree with.
And are you naive enough to not recognize the plutocracy is using the initiative process against us?
tensor says
Well, since our state’s Constitution clearly says that Initiative is the first right of the people, I guess you’re just going to have to live with that “mob rule” with which you disagree.
And are you naive enough to not recognize the plutocracy is using the initiative process against us?
If by “us,” you mean the Republicans in our state’s legislature, then yes. Otherwise, no.
If you want a real example of “the plutocracy … using the initiative process against us,” look no further than Initiative 164, b(r)ought by ” timber companies, developers, and realtors” to destroy our land-use regulations:
On July 21, 1995, opponents of a controversial law that would restrict land-use regulation and require government to pay for reduced property values caused by some regulations submit more than 230,000 signatures to Secretary of State Ralph Munro, forcing a public vote on Referendum 48. The measure was originally submitted to the Legislature as Initiative 164, funded largely by timber companies, developers, and realtors. When the Legislature enacted the initiative into law on April 18, 1995, opponents, including the League of Women Voters and environmental groups, had 90 days to gather at least 90,843 signatures to prevent it from taking effect unless approved by voters on the November ballot. The record-breaking number of signatures they submit foreshadows the fate of Referendum 48 — the property-rights law will be rejected in November by nearly 60 percent of Washington voters.
All of the money the plutocracy spent on that radical law, passed by the Republican-controlled legislature over the objections of us citizens, went down the drain when we rejected R-48 at the polls.
Now, do you understand why we Washingtonians don’t believe Republican complaints about abuse of our Initiative process?
Eastside Sanity says
Holy hell, you would argue with yourself at your own expense just to do it. Go get a glass of warm milk and one of your pet cats tranquilizers before you get hauled away in a rubber cookie truck.
Brigadier says
Well, the US Constitution also says in Article V that the states can hold a constitutional convention and amend the constitution without the fed .gov involved. But that doesn’t mean we want that to be SOP.
tensor says
And the Washington State Constitution can be amended, too. If you want to remove the direct democracy from it, then organize citizens to do so. Good luck with that.
Meanwhile, perhaps you could give examples of “how detrimental to the system the mob rule initiative process really is”, because you haven’t actually done that yet.
Brigadier says
I-594. never would’ve passed thru the legislature – the representatives. But every commie in the state got to vote for it.
tensor says
never would’ve passed thru the legislature – the representatives.
That may or may not be true, but the entire purpose of having direct democracy is to enact popular legislation when the legislature won’t do it. If you don’t like that, perhaps you need move to one of the many states in our union which lack initiatives, propositions, referenda, &c.
Please explain the harm this law is doing to our state.
Brigadier says
if you have to have me explain to you about I-594, then you are too far gone to even bother with. Now excuse me, I have to go take an Obama and wipe my Inslee.
Are you enjoying the Circus of the Dog and Pony Show? Vote for the billionaire liberal to push wages to $16/hr he will make it happen .
Eastside Sanity says
How many brain cells have you burned up with all that smoke? You have got to be the poster child of “Don’t let this happen to you”. It is way past your nite nite time T.
tensor says
You and BEN FRANKLIN do seem fixated on the erroneous idea that I smoke marijuana. Yes, I did vote to de-criminalize it, but that was because I was tired of having my tax dollars wasted (ha ha) on trying to stop people from growing a plant, and instead wanted Washington state’s economy to prosper from having another cash crop to sell. If you have a problem with any of that, please do explain what it is.
Eastside Sanity says
You mean another Sin Tax for you liberal progressive democrats to spend. It just never ends with you fools. Big government, More government jobs, Big tax increases, More spending, Anything goes just tax the living hell out of it. And you wonder why we think you’re stoned out of your hamster mind……….
tensor says
If you have a problem with farmers in Washington state having another legal cash crop to sell on the market for profit, please explain what that problem is.
Meanwhile, marijuana does indeed go from a sinkhole of taxpayer funds, to a source of income for the state. We liberals call this “good government.” If you have a problem with that, well, too bad; nobody cares.
Bob says
You probably would like to legalize morphine and heroin to make even more money for the state to waste.
tensor says
You probably would like to legalize morphine and heroin…
We’ll see how de-criminalization of marijuana goes. If it works well, we may indeed consider controlled legalization of other substances.
…to make even more money for the state to waste.
There’s no bigger waste of public funds than by enforcing laws making it illegal for persons to grow a plant in the dirt. Thank goodness we’re no longer wasting our money on that nonsense, at least as it applied to marijuana.
“…and instead wanted Washington state’s economy to prosper from having another cash crop to sell.” At whose expense? I know, the users will have mental problems later on, more expenses to cover for the addicts to be detoxed.
Once again you are stepping on your own tail. Please increase more taxes for the services that you need to provide these addicts with care, and not to mention, they will sue your government for not warning them of the negative impacts that will cause them. Millions of tax dollars will go to them at your expense.
PS: When you mention my name make sure that you spell it correctly B-E-N-J-A-M-I-N not BEN.
tensor says
I know, the users will have mental problems later on…
Will they be rendered completely helpless when confronted with basic economic data? Will they instead babble about sheep, fish, beef, and blinders?
Hey — I think I figured out why you’re always going on about “smoke and mirrors.” How much have you been smokin’, there, Bennie? 🙂
tensor, my name is Benjamin, let me spell it out to a greenhorn like you. Take it slow okay, I promise you will get it. It is spelled as such
B – as in bat
E – as in elephant
N – as in nature
J – as in jeep
A – as inapple
M – as in monkey
I – as in illegal
N – as in night
Now tensor write BENJAMIN, it is not that hard.
Biff says
Yet you said you didn’t know who founded or runs this site. Then it was Woodinville wine merchants. Now it’s two guys from Mercer Island. Disingenuous lying communist. You’re perfect for the Hanauer organization.
tensor says
Yet you said you didn’t know who founded or runs this site.
That’s because I actually didn’t know. Since then, I’ve done a little more research:
The first sign came when Publicola revealed that the website for an anti-Prop. 1 front group — “Families for Sustainable Transit” — had been set up by a firm called Sermo Digital LLC. Its principals include Josh Amato, former communications director for the state Republican Party, and Matthew Lundh, who was digital director in the McKenna for Governor campaign.The Sermo Digital team are also behind shiftwa.org, a new and intensely partisan Republican website that has in its sights the usual Republican bogeymen — “labor bosses,” the Washington Education Association, greens and the Democratic challenger to GOP state Sen. Andy Hill.
Then it was Woodinville wine merchants.
No, I joked the money you sent the owners of this site was promptly spent by them in the many wine tasting rooms of Woodinville, because this site gives a Post Office box in that town for a physical address.
Now it’s two guys from Mercer Island.
Sermo Digital is registered as having a physical address on Mercer Island, and appears to be run by two men.
Disingenuous lying communist.
If you believe that listing a physical address in Woodinville for a site actually owned by a company on Mercer Island is indeed “disingenuous,” please take it to them; I stand by what I wrote.
Brigadier says
Yet, the ‘99%’ers’ will trip and fall all over themselves to support this arrogant billionaire that is throwing the proverbial fit. Shows that their true motives are socialism.
Please, don’t put the 10% in the bunch of the 89%ers. We have been misrepresented by the socialists billionaires and the 89%ers. However, they (89%ers) do not believe what you said, because they are wearing heavy yokes and blinders, therefore no matter what you say, they will not believe and refute everything you say. They are being directed by Big Daddy to keep going to the path of dillusions. They listen and know Big Daddy’s voice, just like sheep following their shephards.
Unite_Blue says
He won’t be happy until every job is overseas. I may be a leftist loon, but I’m not that crazy.
Eastside Sanity says
If you’re not crazy, you may not be a leftist loon…… just sayin
Chuck Miller says
Eastside Sanity agree on your statement to Unite Blue!!!
According to them it is the REP and the wealthy to blame for moving jobs overseas. It is never, I repeat, never the Leftist fault, don’t make me get @tensor after you.
Jim Thomas says
Despot…just the next step of the lunacy called Liberialism….also know in many circles to be a “mental disease” Why don’t guys like this find a productive hobby that could do some good things for homeless vets or something truly worthwhile.
Eastside Sanity says
Just another Liberal Progressive Elite who lives in a fantasy provided by democratic voters in this state. When you think you should be the overlord of the citizens of this country, it’s time for electroshock therapy. Nick Hanauer is an arrogant fool & those who believe otherwise have lost their ability to think for themselves.
Think about myself? I thought that it is best to be told by the government what to do, they know better. LOL
Biff says
Why doesn’t this liberal piece of crap try to “build a new way of governing the state” by doing something crazy like get elected to an actual governing position? Because it’s so much easier to throw your billions into another misleading initiative filled with lies and distortions then you can be the initiative emperor who’s accountable to no one.
tensor says
So, you voted “No,” or didn’t vote at all, on each Initiative ever filed by Tim Eyeman?
Biff says
It’s Eyman, Sherlock. The way you operate, you are always in lockstep with your liberal overlords, so naturally you assume everyone behaves this way. Some I voted yes on, some of the way out ones, no. I don’t remember Eyman having billions to buy the government he wants, threatening business leaders or anybody else or saying he was going to put himself between the people and the legislature. Remember them? Our duly elected legislature, elected by the majority of voters? You and your boss are just hacked off the majority of the voters elected people that aren’t loony liberal leftist losers.
tensor says
When was Mr. Eyman ever “elected to an actual governing position?” The only thing he ever had to “govern” was the financial contributions sent to him, and he stole from those funds. By your standard, you should have immediately and unconditionally rejected every last Initiative he submitted.
I don’t remember Eyman having billions to buy the government he wants,
Michael Dunmire wasn’t that rich, no; but he did contribute millions to buy Mr. Eyman’s way onto the ballot:
Since 2004, retired Woodinville investment banker Michael Dunmire has given at least $2,747,193.71 to Tim Eyman and his various initiatives.
That’s nearly half a million dollars a year.
Over the past six years Dunmire’s impressive bank account has provided the bulk of the money used to buy the signatures necessary to get Eyman’s initiatives on the ballot,and the bulk of Eyman’s personal compensation. Without the largesse of this one man, none of Eyman’s recent initiatives would have qualified for the ballot.
So, by your own self-proclaimed standard, you should have immediately and unconditionally rejected every last “recent” Initiative Mr. Eyman submitted.
…threatening business leaders or anybody else or saying he was going to put himself between the people and the legislature.
Yes, he “threatened” to use his Constitutional rights as a citizen of the State of Washington, to file an Initiative, and of the United States, to “petition the government.” What, exactly, is your problem with that, and how does it “threaten” anyone? (Do you even know what the word, “threaten”, means?) Could you please explain how this differs from Mr. Eyman’s use of Mr. Dunmire’s millions?
Our duly elected legislature, elected by the majority of voters?
The Senate Majority Coalition (remember them?) was composed almost entirely of Republicans, even though the “majority of voters” (remember us?) had clearly assigned leadership of that chamber to the Democrats. Since you never objected to that backroom putsch, no one believes you have any principled opposition to Initiatives, either.
You and your boss are just hacked off the majority of the voters elected people that aren’t loony liberal leftist losers.
Blah, blah, blah. You didn’t object to Mr. Eyman’s actions, so nobody believes you have any principled objection here, either. The simple truth is that laws to increase the minimum wage have proven very, very popular with us voters here in Washington State: I-518, I-688, Seatac, and Seattle have all done it. Those same laws are very unpopular with the owners of the Washington state GOP, which is why we had to enact I-688 ourselves; the Republican-controlled legislature of 1998 refused even to debate the issue. Mr. Hanauer can see perfectly well there is no point trying to engage the Senate on this issue, so he’s using his Constitutional rights to do something about it. That you don’t respect his rights is pretty amusing; you are demonstrating nicely the “the astonishing disrespect for the democratic process” wrongly assigned to him.
Biff says
Since 2004, retired Woodinville investment banker Michael Dunmire has given at least $2,747,193.71 to Tim Eyman and his various initiatives.
That’s nearly half a million dollars a year.
Or in other words, less than half of what your commissar paid to buy his gun registry.
tensor says
So, there’s some dollar figure, above which paying for a spot on the ballot is bad? How far above a mere $2,747,193.71 is this magic number?
Unlike most of Mr. Eyman’s efforts, $16 in ’16, if filed and written properly, will win. That’s because raising the minimum wage is a very popular — and successful — policy here in Washington state. It just happens to be wildly unpopular with the owners of the Washington State Republican Party, which is why places other than Seattle raise it via popular vote (e.g. I-688).
Bob says
Why not be really ridiculous and raise the minimum wage to $116 per hour. Just this how that would help the current low wage earners!!
tensor says
If low wages help our economy, why not re-institute slavery?
See? Two can play at your stupid game!
Biff says
“Do you even know what the word, “threaten”, means?”
“They think $12 is high!” Hanauer mocked. “Here’s their real choice: They can accept $12 now, or it will be much, much higher. If you’re the Association of Washington Business, you should run, not walk, to Olympia and demand they pass that $12 wage bill.”
That would be a shining example of a threat. Show me where Tim Eyman has made even a remotely similar statement.
tensor says
“Even so, look on the bright side: Just the threat of I-1325 and its signature drive was incredibly effective at deterring the Legislature from raising taxes this year,” he wrote.
Lamont_Madison says
Why are all of these Seattle billionaires PINKO COMMIES?????
Eastside Sanity says
Chuck Miller says
My question is how did the Government or the Initative process ever get the power to dictate to private businesses how much they have to pay there employees???
Right Is Rright says
Would you like one of the robots when they’re ready for beta testing?
No, I just take my loss and move on to become self employed where I will get tax free income from the government every month to support myself by doing nothing. The Welfare System is so broke that I can make a fortune. I am serious, you can actual make money with welfare money and be able to save some every month by not spending it and just buy food that are store brand and use lots of coupons. Just don’t go out and eat it is cheaper to make it yourself. I know some folks that they do that, although I reported them but the Welfare System still paying them monthly. One of them owns a Lexus paid in full.
According to tensor @disqus_dDbjojAOzv:disqus the companies will prosper from paying out the higher wage, but I did asked if those companies will pass the cost to the consumer he said it won’t happen. tensor makes lots of good sense and points. I trust him with my paycheck he will double it for me. He never lies because he cites all his comments. All his remarks are not biased in any way shape or form. He is a great man quite intelligent I must add. He is articulated, comments are properly written, never belittle anyone, never judges anyone’s mistakes, and most of all tensor is truthful.
Everyone should learn from tensor and become a high caliber just like him, however he has high standards it will take years to become like tensor.
tensor says
According to tensor tensor the companies will prosper from paying out the higher wage, but I did asked if those companies will pass the cost to the consumer he said it won’t happen.
No, I didn’t. I merely noted that the opponents of I-688 claimed that we needed to reject it, “to keep prices from rising out of control,” yet in the fifteen-plus years since we passed it, inflation here has been at or below the national average, while our economy overall has performed as well, or better than, the national economy.
I haven’t made any predictions about a causal relationship between raising the minimum wage and inflation, for the very simple reason I have never seen any evidence that such a relationship exists. It is you who have repeatedly made such predictions, and my persistent requests to you for evidence to support these predictions have not been fulfilled.
You don’t think that prices didn’t go up when the I-688 took effect? Okay, I believe you.
“I haven’t made any predictions about a causal relationship between raising the minimum wage and inflation, for the very simple reason I have never seen any evidence that such a relationship exists.”
If you still feel that you are correct why do you still ranting about evidence to support what I say. Every time that I do post citations you don’t even respond, so why bother asking for evidence if you will not read them.
I did write a note for your about the Trilateral Counsel, did you read it and confirmed the sources? I say you are too scared to venture out that way. I can’t blame you, I, too, was scared when my blinders were removed. You will hate it for a while for believing Big Daddy political parties lies. Believe it or not, 98% of political parties are fabrication of stealing your money and greed. The liberals always claim that the REP are wealthy, but they fail to tell their constituents that they are wealthy as well. Let’s see Al Gore and his mansion that produce more carbon print than any other home. It is like a mini factory.
If you don’t believe me it is okay. Just remember me when it all takes shape. I do believe every word that you say even without the citation because you made good points and I did in fact admitted that I was wrong and you were right. You did not even reply or recognized that there are people out there that you don’t need to do deliver on a promise. You said I would not say I was wrong, but I did and you failed to recognize that.
A hand shake and/or a person’s word is a true contract if you are honest. I do make lot of deals with people based on hand shake and/or verbal promise, I always deliver, but the majority will take advantage of my old fashion contract.
tensor says
You don’t think that prices didn’t go up when the I-688 took effect?
Of course they did — at about the same rate as before I-688 was even proposed. The explicit prediction made by opponents of I-688 was that it would cause prices to rise out of control, but our inflation rate has been at, below, or near the national inflation rate ever since. There’s literally no evidence to validate the very clear and explicit predictions made by the opponents of I-688.
If you still feel that you are correct why do you still rant about evidence to support what anyone says.
Because policies should be based upon evidence, and since the predictions of doom for I-688 never came true, people who make predictions of doom now have a very large burden of proof to carry; very few of them even try.
Every time that I do post citations you don’t even respond, so why bother asking for evidence if you will not read them.
When did I fail to respond?
Also, your complaint here is really rich — I posted links to Bloomberg Business News, and you bizarrely claimed you didn’t believe it because it was too liberal — when the eponymous owner is the former Republican Mayor of the very city which contains Wall Street itself!
I did write a note for your about the Trilateral Counsel, did you read it and confirmed the sources?
What possible relevance has that to raising the minimum wage in Washington state?
The Trilateral Counsel has nothing to do with the minimum wage, however, it has to do with all the 50 States and the federal government as we know it. Just look into it and E-mail me. I provided you my E-mail address on another comment, feel free to drop me a line. Perhaps, we can talk about other events of interests to help view an individual State in a national point of view. Please let me know what you would like to do. It is great to be knowledgeable about a State, but if we don’t know what is going on national and international levels, we the people are in for a rude awakening when each State are affected by Daddy’s policy and agenda making.
Washington State is not immune to bad federal policies and I know that you know it, but in order to keep things normal in each State we must correct the Federal Government, in other words, we need to vote the “career politicians” out and instill “public servants”. I am not sure if you are aware of that the career politicians are not accountable to the constituents, which goes for both DEM and REP, but to their bosses, the wealthy corporations. The wealthy corporations do, in fact, fund both parties and the politicians and the wealthy get personal kickbacks from each other. How do you think the politicians get wealthy in a short amount of
time? Is it the book they sold, federal pay is great, investing in stocks
without insider information? NO!
MANTRA: “DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO” The laws don’t pertain to them because they are the creators, therefore we have to adhere to them, we don’t know better. If you are not in the big boys club, you will follow the law.
Ollie's Dad says
Let’s stop calling it “an increase in the minimum wage” and start calling it “banning minimum wage jobs”.
tensor says
What’s the connection between raising the minimum wage and job loss?
The law requires hoteliers with more than 100 rooms to pay workers $15 an hour. Scott Ostrander, former general manager of the Cedarbrook Lodge in SeaTac, argued during the campaign that he would close several rooms in his hotel to avoid having to comply. Now, Cedarbrook Lodge is moving forward with a 63-room expansion and recently started paying the $15 per hour minimum wage.
WallyPark says it’s had “the best year ever” and it’s very supportive of the minimum wage ordinance.
Laws have loopholes. Why not increase the minimum wage to $15/hr for all in WA State, it should not matter if they have 100 rooms or 20 rooms. This is called discriminating some people from earning the same money and discrimnimating companies for special treatment. I have 100 rooms so I pay $15/hr minimum wages, you have 20 rooms so you are exempted from the minimum wage increase. It makes no sense to penalize me because I have more than 20 rooms that is discrimination.
Does it matter if you are a custodian, student intern vs secretary? I don’t know, I think the Socialist council person should became the Governor of WA and give everyone the same earnings, including students that work for the Summer. Take on Amazon, Microsoft, Bank of America, and Boeing and make them public domain aka government owned and let the government run those businesses. The government knows best!
Equal Rights for All. 100% EQUAL RIGHTS and let’s see what happens to liberty.
tensor says
What’s the connection between raising the minimum wage and job loss?
No connection at all. There is no job loss in WA. This is what I understand from what I have gathered from you.
tensor says
Thank you.
I have a question for you. I understand you are a person that want to see evidence to what others say, which I totally agree. Believe me, I do like WA State and thought about on many occasions to move there, but if I am not able to open a business or at least get a job I am not making that move.
Anyway, I would like to show you some evidence that the 10% and I, already, knew without reading this evidence, but it confirmed what we saw and predicted by looking what is going on around us. I gather information from biased (left and right) news and small, less known, news media which some are biased and some have agendas, and some are in the middle. Would you be interested in reading this article? I think it may spark an interest. If you want I can e-mail it to you. Here is my e-mail address: benjaminfranklin755 @ gmail.com
I hope that you will not decline my offer and that you look into it with open mind and we can discuss by E-mail. I chose you because you are an interesting person and your were once a REP so you have been on both sides of the fence unlike most people. We might have our disagreements but we still can communicate one way or another.
Please let me know today if you wish to read this article of interest. I think you will have a broader picture of what I wanted to convey to you.
Bradley Whaley says
Not surprising that Tensor is here! This must be the guy that is going to help elevate him from his fry cook position at Micky D’s. Thank God we have wealthy Democrats to advance the downfall of government in Washington! Make for an interesting campaign and hopefully large depletion of his bank account. What an
Beverly Rommel says
Don’ t we have enough idiots in Washington State?? The Gov is one of the worst!!!
norenforsenate says
I get it..he has interjected ego into disrupting failing government…but I haven’t seen how his raising minimum wage is detrimental to working people or what he is financially benefitting from by doing this…fill me in as a bystander
norenforsenate says
Ok…from other posts, there could be a maniacal and deceptive reason here…if small businesses fail because of the increased wage, then maybe larger businesses he has interests in could take advantage…