It should come as no surprise that, in Washington State, Bernie Sanders enjoys a quite a large following. In fact, our state has the largest number of donors – per capita – to the Sanders campaign.
So, just what about Sanders is so attractive to the far-Left activists in our state?
One campaign volunteer told, “Bernie has been Independent … for the past 20 years… He’s really just been an issues-based person. So Independents see that they have a candidate.”
That’s an interesting choice of words, a clever way to avoid the truth. We imagine that describing Sanders as “Independent” plays better among voters outside of Seattle than describing him as what he calls himself: a socialist.
When Sanders first announced his candidacy, the Washington State Democrat Party sent an email to its supporters expressing excitement over the prospect. Of course, the party eagerly described Sanders as a “Democrat.”
The efforts to label Sanders as “Independent” or “Democrat” by his supporters reveal a lot about the future of the Democrat Party. Time and time again, Sanders has insisted that he is, first and foremost, a Socialist. So, what’s going on? Why not (other than the obvious PR reason) just call Sanders what he calls himself?
A comment made by a Sanders supporter from Seattle offers an explanation. The supporter told that, even if Clinton gets the nomination, he’s “thrilled to see her moving more to issues espoused by Sanders.”
Perhaps the rather sad reality is that Democrats who insist on labeling Sanders as a Democrat are not necessarily wrong. The Democrat party is moving further and further to the left, leaving little-to-no difference between what is means to be a Democrat versus what it means to be a Socialist.
We’ve had a first-hand look at the disturbing trend in Seattle (thank you, Kshama Sawant). So, perhaps it isn’t so far off to use the two terms interchangeably (as, apparently, Washington Democrats are so happy to do themselves).
It’s all about what can somebody do for me…not what can I do for somebody else. Just give us more…we don’t care where the money comes from or what things go by the wayside because of this stupidity…just give us what we want…gimme, gimme, gimme!
You can polish the turd all you want but he’s still a Socialist, and a Socialist is nothing more than a Communist in a hoodie and dark sunglasses.
Like the sandwich board some punk was wearing said during the Wall Street protests: “Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for you.”
To all the socialists out there…. why don’t you MOVE to a socialist country instead of trying to drag us down with you?
I live in the state of Washington, and me and my family have had it with this state. We love it here for the weather, and the natural lands, the huge investment in parks, and the lack of mosquitoes, but the ugliness of the political landscape has spoiled it. We have had it. We decided last year, we are doing everything we can to move back home (Texas).
This article shows just how blind the people that live here truly are. Supporting a Socialist like Sanders is just too much. If they really don’t like a free trade system, like we should have in the USA, they really should consider just moving to somewhere that already has socialism installed. I recommend North Korea, they are BIG fans of this crap there.
Just like Salmons who spawn upstream (I hold no offense against the fishes) but you know what the outcome is here in Washington State. A beautiful state that is ruined by the Politics. So Sad, to see a great state lose out because of the govern ship in it.