Now that the campaign is behind Jay Inslee – along with his much-needed post-election Hawaiian vacation to recover from all his fundraising – someone in his administration will need to prepare a draft … [Read more...]
Inslee – will he go back to work now, and will anyone notice?
Mainstream media outlets have ignored Jay Inslee’s unwillingness to do much actual public work throughout this election campaign, though Shift has covered his lack of governing pretty much on a weekly … [Read more...]
Voters reject campaign reform initiative, Times says bring back some of its bad parts
Sometimes “no means no”. And somebody should tell that to the Seattle Times. Voters saw through the phony, flawed, and rich-guy funded “campaign finance reform” Initiative 1464 – despite the … [Read more...]
Seattle Council defines priorities – spend, spend, spend (except on bikes)
The Seattle City Council prepared for the holiday season by giving thanks for rising tax revenue and spending it all in a $5.6 billion-dollar budget for next year that increases spending on … [Read more...]
Friday Funny: Inslee “work” schedules are back
Shift had been focused on the elections for the past month – tracking liberal donors and sharing lessons from the results - and so we stepped away from our duty of reporting how our state’s “green” … [Read more...]
State has more money – but Dems still setting up tax increase
You would think that state lawmakers would like seeing quarterly revenue reports predicting more money for government. For the last four years, the state’s revenue arc has been on an upward trend, … [Read more...]
Seattle liberals spend a “modest” $29 million – since it isn’t their money
It’s a day early for a Friday Funny, but any time the Seattle City Council takes up budget matters, it is certain to generate laughs – as long as they aren’t spending your money. Yesterday’s … [Read more...]
Will Pronto finally meet its deserved fate?
There was a birthday party last week and if you live in the city of Seattle, you might feel bad if you weren’t invited. That’s because you had already paid for it. The birthday in question … [Read more...]
Cloud hanging over Justice Wiggins starts raining down
Races for the State Supreme Court are often non-contested affairs, conducted far out of the spotlight. That has been different this year, due to the extremely activist nature of the current court on … [Read more...]
Inslee calendar: is almost 10 hours of work OK?
Jay Inslee slipped back into nearly-full time campaign mode last week, as our regular review of his official calendar shows. Evidently the state runs just fine absent our “green” governor, as he put … [Read more...]
Shift (still) on the radio!
If you haven’t been getting up early, you have been missing several days of commentary on the this year’s ballot initiatives from Shift’s own Randy Pepple. He has been a guest with KVI’s John Carlson … [Read more...]
The ballots are coming! The ballots are coming!
It’s almost voting time for citizens across Washington State, as county auditors can legally start mailing general election ballots starting today. So, to help frame your choices in the coming weeks, … [Read more...]