Jay Inslee slipped back into nearly-full time campaign mode last week, as our regular review of his official calendar shows. Evidently the state runs just fine absent our “green” governor, as he put in less than 10 hours of official work – and 70% of that “work” came on Monday, Oct. 10.
You read that right – Inslee put in over 6 hours of official business on a single day! His staff kept him running, going in and out of meetings from 8:30 to 4:30 in Olympia on the 10th, with only an hour off for a “personal time” lunch! Of course, he did stop working for the people at 4:30, to go to an editorial board meeting, and then to a fundraiser.
But, Inslee was right back it, resuming his busy official schedule at 8:30 am – on Wednesday. He devoted all of Tuesday to campaign work, with the taxpayers picking up his paycheck. And he appreciates that.
Once Inslee returned to “work,” he didn’t exactly put his nose to the official grindstone for the rest of the week. He put in 45 minutes of governing on Wednesday, an hour and 40 minutes on Thursday (with 30 minutes of that giving a speech, and the rest of time in the car driving to the speech), and 45 minutes on Friday, most of it giving another speech. Just over 3 hours in 3 days – that’s how Inslee likes to roll when he’s on the public dime.
After taking both Saturday and Sunday off from any governing activities, we can expect that Jay was well rested for this week – any bets on how much work he has put in to draw his salary this week?
Oly, up at 8, prep for ed board
8:30-11:30, official biz, 1 hour on “budget development”
11:30-12:30, PT
12:30-4:30, guv time, except for 15 min free
4:30-6, oly ed board
6-pt to 8:30, then off
Tue –0
Up at 6 to drive LCV bfst in Sea – whole day PT
Fr lunch, reception
Wed – 45 min
8:30 – call Postman, to 9
Go to Cred Un speech, then PT there – 20 min official
15 min with Brad smith on Switzerland
10:05—6:20 – all PT, before ferry home
7:05 ferry to conversvation bfst – PT
8”20- on raod to JBLM, thru 10
10 – back to Sea – PT rest of day
FR lunch, prep for Hillary event speech next day
FR dinner in Bham
Fri – :45
8:45 ferry
9:45-10:20 – workforce speech
10:30 – Pt to 6:50 ferry home
10 min lawyer call also official
Hillary event, PDBSJ and Kitsap ed brd
Sat – o
Sun – 0
Kitsap sun ed brd, call with staff
Fundraiser at hawk game
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