It has now been three weeks since Donald Trump stunned the political world by winning the presidency. At Shift, we’ve used the time since to explore some election lessons learned, from the Democrats’ … [Read more...]
Can Sea Council go even further Left?
Shift has watched with bemused interest as the Seattle City Council heaps regulation upon regulation on the city’s businesses – from the $15 minimum wage to rules for hiring and scheduling … [Read more...]
Everybody gets a day, and Tuesday is for the “disruptors”
Labor unions evidently can’t stand the fact that the days immediately following Thanksgiving are devoted to commerce – Black Friday, Local Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, etc. – which feed not just … [Read more...]
Lessons learned from the election: Democrat blame game, part II
After the long Thanksgiving weekend, one might have thought that liberals would start to recover a bit from the election. Instead, at the national level we saw Hillary Clinton join with the Green … [Read more...]
Seattle Council defines priorities – spend, spend, spend (except on bikes)
The Seattle City Council prepared for the holiday season by giving thanks for rising tax revenue and spending it all in a $5.6 billion-dollar budget for next year that increases spending on … [Read more...]
Lessons learned from the election: Democrat blame game in full swing
Much has been written recently (such as here and here) about the bloodletting that is going on in the national Democrat Party, as blame for the loss of all the levers of control in Washington, D.C. is … [Read more...]
PC Missionaries still running amok!
Administrators at Whitman “We used to be Missionaries but now we’re just Blue” College are working overtime to make the campus even more un-welcoming to rational students. As Shift previously … [Read more...]
Lessons learned from the election: Liberals ignoring the results
Say what you will about Washington State liberals, but you can’t say they are not stubborn. Listen to the voters – why? Change their tune on raising taxes – never! Over the weekend we had the … [Read more...]
Dems demand ‘green’ energy – unless we already have it
Democrats from Jay Inslee on down to his extreme enviro campaign donors love to rant about how much we need to generate more “green energy” – except when we are already producing it. Such is the … [Read more...]
Lessons learned from the election: Dems’ income tax still a loser
The Democrats have been trying to spin last week’s election results to try and justify their plans for the next legislative session – whether it’s claiming that people really want a carbon tax (even … [Read more...]
Lessons learned from the election: When Democrats lose, let’s change the rules
A lot of superficial soul searching has been going on in the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s surprising loss last week. Her campaign has blamed the FBI, some liberal campaign operatives are blaming … [Read more...]
Enviros sue for trillions – get $1 million to go away
Some extreme environmentalists in Washington State are crowing about their “victory” over Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF), after the company agreed to a $1 million dollar settlement in a … [Read more...]