Say what you will about Washington State liberals, but you can’t say they are not stubborn.
Listen to the voters – why?
Change their tune on raising taxes – never!
Over the weekend we had the chance to catch up with failed Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, who issued a call to arms for his fellow ultra-Lefties, under the banner “Under Trump, Seattle may need to sacrifice for its values”.
Turns out, McGinn thinks Seattle needs to go even further to the left in the new political environment that appeared on election day, and head for the barricades, because the barbarians are coming. “Congress will not hesitate to cut services and funding for cities across the board, regardless of our sanctuary policies. That is their ideology: anti-human services, anti-transit, anti-diversity, anti-urban.”
The same apocalyptic language appeared again in the liberal Seattle blog Crosscut, from one of its own writers, Knute Berger, who declared that “Cascadia is in a position to offer a safe haven, a sanctuary, for many people. America, give us your terrorized, your targeted, your harassed. We’re not utopia, but at least we’re trying to do — to be — better. Cities like Seattle and Portland are already girding their loins to protect their sanctuary and safe-zone statuses and to become permanent protest zones.”
And in those “permanent protest zones”, the media is demanding higher taxes. From the Seattle Times in its featured Sunday editorial on how to deal with the state’s ever-growing revenue problem and the need for the state to finally start prioritizing the funding of public schools:
“The Legislature still has a math — or political — problem: where the money comes from. But the answer will come from a pretty short list: property taxes, a new capital-gains tax, closing tax exemptions, an income tax…”
Given these answers to the problems we face, why does the Left wonder why voters across the country rejected the establishment two weeks ago.
“Listen to the voters – why?”
So, does this mean Shift’s hysterical — and, as we have just seen, wholly ineffectual — opposition to raising the minimum wage has, at long last, finally come to a bitter end?
Or will Shift continue to rip from context a few jobs lost here and there, all the while ignoring the big picture of our overall rising prosperity?
(I’ll take “History” for $100, Alex.)
why don’t they just rename Seattle Hanoi West” Tensy-you oughta love these idiots that run Seattlr