According to the Washington Policy Center (WPC), certain state Supreme Court justices have “received political contributions from a lead party on a key lawsuit” now before the court. The lawsuit will … [Read more...]
Shift’s “Zoomer” Columnist Takes on the Washington Democrat Lawmakers’ Desire to Implement a State Income Tax
Members of my generation – the “Zoomers” born between 1995-2012 – might be surprised to learn that Washington is one of just seven U.S. states that does not have a state income tax. But they probably … [Read more...]
Initiative update: The cash, the court, and who screwed up I-1639 so badly
It’s obvious-bordering-on-trite to point out that the state’s initiative process is not exactly a tool of the regular, everyday citizens. Born out of the 19th century progressives’ ideals, it now … [Read more...]
Which judges are the WEA trying to buy this year?
In the past, seven of the nine justices on the state Supreme Court received campaign contributions—all for the maximum amount allowed—from the Washington Education Association (WEA). Considering the … [Read more...]
3 reasons why the State Supreme Court races matter
This year, three State Supreme Court candidates are up for re-election - Chief Justice Barbara Madsen, and Justices Mary Yu and Charles Wiggins. Perhaps because all three are unabashed ideological … [Read more...]
Activists seek to impose income tax in city of Olympia – and set up a court fight
The far-Left is pushing another strategy this year to impose a state income tax, after having failed so many times in the past. A group called Opportunity for Olympia is circulating a petition that … [Read more...]
Liberal state Supreme Court justice to face formidable opponent
A vulnerable (and liberal) Washington State Supreme Court justice will have to face off against an experienced opponent in November. This week, Federal Way Municipal Court Judge Dave Larson announced … [Read more...]
Three times the WEA revealed its self-interested agenda
Republican legislators (and a handful of Democrats) fought to save voter-approved public charter schools during the 2016 legislative session, an action required after the state Supreme Court’s … [Read more...]
The WEA wages another war with second lawsuit attacking charter schools
This week, supporters of voter-approved public charter schools celebrated that thousands of students (many of whom are underprivileged) will still have their schools next year. They had a lot to … [Read more...]
Surprise, surprise: The WEA endorses Inslee
The Washington Education Association (WEA) endorsed Jay Inslee over the weekend. The endorsement was not a surprise, especially considering all that Inslee has done to pander to the union’s interests … [Read more...]
State Supreme Court plagiarized ruling on charter schools
According to former Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna, the state Supreme Court plagiarized its majority opinion last year when it struck down voter-approved public charter schools as … [Read more...]
Public charter school bill passes state House
Enough House Democrats decided that it was in their best re-election campaign interest to support voter-approved public charter schools. Ten Democrats broke off from their party to pass a bill to save … [Read more...]