If there is one thing we’ve learned due to our ongoing “Friday Funny” series on Jay Inslee’s so-called work schedule, it’s that our green governor is pretty lazy -- when it comes to the people’s … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part XV)
It’s one of our missions to keep the public informed how Jay Inslee spends his day. His lack of official work highlights the fact that he does not put much priority in actually governing. So, today, … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part XIV)
We realize that our ongoing “Friday Funny” series on Jay Inslee’s so-called work schedule may not be all that funny, considering the fact that taxpayers are paying salary to not show up for work. But, … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part XIII)
Our ongoing “Friday Funny” series (at least, it would be a lot funnier if taxpayers weren’t paying for it) exploring how Jay Inslee spends most of his day not actually working continues. Here’s what … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part XII)
The latest edition of the “Friday Funny” series (it would be a lot funnier if taxpayers weren’t paying for it) exploring how Jay Inslee spends his “work” day exposes the lengths his desperation to … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part IX): Special Edition
Jay Inslee does not work for our state. Rather, he works for his special interests' agenda -- we’ve established that by shining a light on his daily calendar. But, it’s not just that he does not … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part VIII)
Our “Friday Funny” series (it would be a lot funnier if taxpayers weren’t paying for it) exploring how Jay Inslee spends his “work” day continues! Here’s what our green governor “work” habits looked … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part VII)
The latest edition of the “Friday Funny” series (it would be a lot funnier if taxpayers weren’t paying for it) exploring how Jay Inslee spends his "work" day is even more pathetic than previous … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part VI)
In what could truly qualify as a ‘Friday Funny’ –if only taxpayers weren’t paying for it - we are continuing our ongoing series exploring how Jay Inslee spends his day. Without further ado, here’s … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part V)
Jay Inslee did some extra desperate fundraising leading up to the end of April. In light of his rather dismal finance numbers, we decided to take a look at how exactly our green governor spent his … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part IV)
It’s rather shocking just how little official business is done during the hours Jay Inslee is supposedly working for the state. Instead, he seems to devote a fair amount to “personal time” and other … [Read more...]
Our green governor’s “work” habits (Part III)
As we have thoroughly established, Jay Inslee doesn’t take a lot of time out of his daily work schedule to actually do the work of governing. Though, of course, whether that’s good or bad for our … [Read more...]