In what could truly qualify as a ‘Friday Funny’ –if only taxpayers weren’t paying for it – we are continuing our ongoing series exploring how Jay Inslee spends his day. Without further ado, here’s what our green governor “work” habits looked like last week:
Monday, May 2nd:
Inslee took the entire day off, except for spending 30 minutes giving someone a volunteer award. Usually, when Inslee chooses to skip work, his schedule shows personal (campaign) time. However, on this particular day, Inslee didn’t want the public to know what he was up to – perhaps one of his handlers told him Shift likes to write about his schedule – so his official calendar simply read, “8 am-5 pm out of office.”
Tuesday, May 3rd:
Inslee spent all morning travelling to the Tri-Cities. However, that time didn’t go to waste… for his campaign. Inslee appears to have been fundraising during his travel time. After a series of meetings and tours in the Tri Cities attempting to learn what people in Eastern Washington do, Inslee finished the day with a … fundraiser! What a coincidence that our green governor just happened to be able to take the taxpayer-funded state plane over to the Tri Cities on the very same day as he had a fundraiser there — so very convenient.
Wednesday, May 4th:
After a long a strenuous day fundraising, Inslee didn’t manage to get into the office until 9:45 on Wednesday. He squeezed in three brief meetings before taking off at 11:20 for — surprise, surprise — another fundraiser. This time, it was a fundraising lunch in Seattle. Inslee spend 6 hours and 30 minutes of the day on personal/campaign time. Notably, he did make time for a 15-minute phone call with Frank Chopp while he was driving to Seattle — we assume the Democrat Speaker of the House demanded that time to explain to Jay how he was really running the state.
Thursday, May 5th:
A bit of an earlier start than usual, Inslee started the day at 8:30 am with a speech at the Washington State Patrol Memorial ceremonies. By 9:45 am, he got right back to his personal time. Inslee took the time on route back to his office to make fundraising calls. Our green governor did, however, carve some time out of fundraising to meet with staff about his misguided carbon rule. After that, he got in another 2 hours and 15 minutes of fundraising calls before a couple meetings about two of the controversies plaguing his administration – Western State Hospital and the state’s I-405 tolling mess.
Inslee appears to have been informed of the sloppiness of his administration by 4 pm — at least, that’s when he was back in the car on his way to a fundraiser in Seattle. The car ride allowed him another hour-and-a-half of fundraising calls, and a post-fundraising campaign meeting in Tacoma on the way home.
Friday, May 6th:
Inslee spent his morning from (8 am – 10:25 am) on more campaign stuff. That time included 90 minutes on “messaging” – i.e., trying to figure out a way to spin the disaster that his first term has been.
Our green governor was able to spend the next 2 hours and 45 minutes on non-campaign activities. However, never one to spend more time working than campaigning, Inslee promptly returned to fundraising. He spent the next 4 hours and 30 minutes on various campaign activities, including an anti-Donald Trump press conference. He wrapped-up “work” and went home at 5:50 pm.
And after such an exhausting week, our green governor ended the week as he began it, by scheduling no official activities over the weekend. All in all, Inslee spent a little over 11 hours doing anything that remotely resembles work (and that’s being generous).
Wonder if he’ll refund any of the money he didn’t earn to taxpayers?