Jay Inslee denied time and time again that he had a fuel mandate scheme—Shift’s public records investigation proved he wasn’t exactly being truthful. And, Inslee also avoids answering questions as to whether or not he would implement a fuel mandate by executive order. So, we’ve complied a list of just a couple occasions Inslee revealed—whether he meant to or not—his executive order intentions.
- Jay Inslee willingly sabotaged any chance for a transportation package during the 2014 legislative cycle by refusing to promise lawmakers that he would not implement a fuel mandate by executive order. The fact that Inslee went on to sign a pact with Oregon, California and British Columbia pledging to enact low-carbon fuel standards, together with a cap-and-trade policy, without the approval of the Legislature only worked to further legislators’ distrust.
- A lengthy public records investigation led Shift to the discovery that Jay Inslee and his staff promised their partners in the Pacific Coast Collaborative (the Governors of California and Oregon, and the British Columbia Premier) that Washington would establish a fuel mandate by “administrative rule” (a.k.a. executive order) in “Q1 2015.” That target date was listed in a working draft (PDF) for the PCC.
- Jay Inslee already issued an executive order to promote his fuel mandate. In April 2014, Inslee created a “Carbon Emissions Reduction Task Force” which he charged with the responsibility of delivering a “plan to reduce carbon pollution and promote clean energy through the use of newer energy technologies.” Of course, in the end, Inslee refused to follow the advise of his task force and took the next step toward implementing a fuel mandate.
- After months of accusing Republicans of politically motivated fear-mongering and downplaying the possibility of a fuel mandate by executive order, Jay Inslee finally came clean on Seattle Channel’s “Civic Cocktail” program and admitted that it he will “likely” implement a fuel mandate without legislative approval.
- During an appearance on KCTS 9’s Ask the Governor in June, Jay Inslee made his disdain for the Legislature—specifically Republicans—loud and clear. Inslee responded to a question concerning his possible use of an executive order to force his extreme agenda through by attacking Republicans. He avoided the question and asked, “When are you Legislators going to help on this climate action issue so that Washington State can reduce carbon pollution?” Inslee responded to his own question by saying he did not have enough legislators willing to support his “green agenda” and implying his only option is an executive order.
This guy is an attorney, a liberal progressive Democratic attorney. What else did you expect from one of these leftwing-nuts? The truth is not in them.