Working Washington—operating under its spin-off group Support Seattle Workers—took its boycott of Seattle’s small businesses that dared to publically oppose the $15 minimum wage a step further yesterday. Reportedly, the group stood outside the store fronts of businesses associated with Forward Seattle—the group attempting to place the new minimum wage ordinance on the November ballot for voters to decide—and passed out flyers to pedestrians and potential customers.
The flyers read, “This business is giving money to Forward Seattle, a fringe group backed by right-wing conservatives, corporate executives and real estate developers that is using misleading tactics to try to repeal our minimum wage.”
Of course, if the media was being honest in its reporting, it could describe Working Washington using its own language: “Working Washington, a fringe group backed by left-wing liberals, union bosses and special interest campaign donors that is using intimidation tactics to keep voters from having a voice on an unprecedented minimum wage increase in Seattle.”
Last week, Working Washington released a list of small businesses to target for boycotting on its website. SHIFT responded with a list of our own, urging our readers to show their support of these businesses by giving them your business.
Another silly decision by those that are bad at math…
Another simple decision, by folks who realize a living wage is necessary for workers to exist.
When you burn Seattle to the ground you stay on your side of the mountain! Seattle the new Detroit, need a list of boycotted places to visit.
Looks like a savings for the taxpayers in welfare & the workers getting paid for WORKING ~!~~
You stay on your side, we don’t need moth cheapos….