Forward Seattle—a group of Seattle small business owners who oppose the $15 minimum wage ordinance—have collected 18,000 signatures for a “referendum that would put the Mayor’s and City Council’s $15 minimum wage bill on the November ballot.” The group needs 16,510 valid signatures from Seattle residents to qualify their referendum for the ballot. Forward Seattle has set a goal of 24,000 to ensure against invalid or duplicate signatures.
Rather than using a $15 minimum wage for the purpose of the referendum, Forward Seattle uses $18.13 an hour. From,
“The reason we decided on a $18 is because that’s what it actually is. When they talk about a $15 wage, that’s incorrect. The mayor’s ordinance is actually $18 in 10 years,” Kathrina Tugadi of Forward Seattle told KIRO Radio’s Jason Rantz Show.
Forward Seattle bases its $18.13 minimum wage in 10 years claim on what they see as the inevitable consequence of Seattle’s current $15 minimum wage ordinance timeline, which is based on incorrect information.
“We wanted to make sure the public was fully aware and we wanted to take the time to educate the public on exactly what this means for the city,” said Angela Cough, also of Forward Seattle. “We absolutely want them to vote no.”
Forward Seattle appears to have the support of Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz. As a recent guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Schultz said,
“Seattle has approved $15, it’s got to go to the voters. I don’t know if that’s the right number or not. We’ll follow the law. I think there’ll be unintended consequences of small businesses not being able to support that. But that’s not the issue. The issue is that we have to provide not only a good wage, but we gotta provide total compensation. “
Oh I’m sure liberal hack John Stewart had something smart-alecky to say.
Why put it on the ballot. The citizens of Seattle voted for the socialist who put it forward. They dislike businesses,dislike profits. Best advice move out of Seattle and King County.
And that socialist is married to a Microsoft engineer. Hypocrite
She donates the majority of her salary to charity, do you “feel” she should tell other people where to spend their money, commie ????
How do you do business, without workers, again ??
Oh right, you get welfare to subsidize your staff & make money off taxpayers ?
Forward Seattle will have to talk real slow, it is Seattle. More can mean less.
We “dislike” businesses that work folks, but pay so little …WE have to pay welfare to insure THEIR PROFITS !
So you think your taxes are going to go down or the budget is going to be less at DSHS because of this, or other programs are going to get more funding? Pull your head out
I think, you’re a moniKKKer moron…DING, DING, DING !!!!
People off welfare & on the way to financial success + working is the American dream, why would you be such a hater ninny ???
Are you trying to bring race into this discussion? Is that your KKK reference? Doesn’t surprise me at all. You dipshits always seem to want to attempt to play a race card anytime you are losing an argument.
What argument am I losing & to whom ???
Oh right, another moniKKKer pretending a point, without presenting it…
Why would Starbucks really support this ? Answer:the mom and pop.single parent,or entrepenour will not be able to pay $15 an hour along with other compensation. Therefore they will close. Guess where the customer will then have to go for coffee ?? Yes! Yes !Starbucks
If it’s a mom / pop store, who are they paying $15 per hour to ??
Oh right, blathering BS…
Thanks, anyway.
Mom and popand other small businesses still have employees. You are sucjh an idiot to think anyone can operate a business by themselves.
So, they make enough to pay those employees, right ??? You are >>sucjh<<< an idiot…
He suckled the public teat for 31 years, “delivering” mail for the 5 billion in the red efficient organization known as the USPS. He knows nothing of economics or business…
“LMAO !”
You’re not working, so you’re not even supporting your welfare brood, bud.
As for libel & your claims about my education, go change a furnace filter, stalker fool !
Still “working” for the cop shop/ public teat after FAILING at a “business” ???
Oh GOD, the irony of unemployment, followed by piggy like suckling !!
We dislike slave wages & subsidizing owner’s profits, with food banks, welfare, & second jobs that destroy the famuily structure & continue the cycle of poverty !!!
Then get an education and get a better job, stop blaming your problems on everybody else take some responsibility for your own life
Then (comma) get an education and get a better job (period) (capital S)top blaming your problems on everybody else (period) (Capital T)ake some responsibility for your own life.
I have a better education & job, than you. I’m simply tired of “subsidizing owner’s profits, with food banks, welfare, & second jobs
that destroy the family structure & continue the cycle of poverty
As I wrote…. Geez scuzzy, at least pretend to have a point, as you dishonestly switch mnoniKKKers….