Democrats often like to discuss “privilege” whenever they are seeking to raise more taxes to fund some expensive new program which they falsely claim “will level the playing field.” Yet one of the greatest privileges which liberals enjoy in our state is never mentioned – that they are rarely held accountable by the media for the extreme actions of their supporters or their party.
You can help remove this particular “uneven playing field” by demanding that Democrat officials and liberal candidates in your community take a stand on whether they endorse the violent views of Seattle City Attorney candidate Nicole Thomas-Kennedy. Both the King County Democrats and the Washington State Democrat Party Chair have signed on with the extreme Thomas-Kennedy – does your local candidate agree with them?.
When liberal activists were rioting in the streets of Seattle on a nightly basis in 2020, committing various acts of violence (including a mass murder attempt), Democrat officials refused to condemn their actions, mostly because no one in the media ever asked them for their opinion. The one Democrat who was asked about the illegal takeover of the six blocks on Seattle’s Capitol Hill (CHAZ/CHOP) was Governor Jay Inslee. He infamously responded by replying, “That’s news to me.”
This embarrassing and untruthful response was basically ignored by the media. Local reporters gave the governor of our state a pass, extending him the privilege of being unaccountable and falsely claim he was completely unaware of a national news story which was playing out in his state’s largest city for many days. This same privilege was granted by the media to all federal, state, and local liberal elected officials, as none was held accountable for not condemning the political violence being committed by their supporters.
Instead of condemning the violence, nearly all liberal and Democrat elected officials immediately caved into the radical public safety demands of the rioters. At all levels of government, Democrat politicians have “defunded” the police or imposed severe restrictions on law enforcement’s ability to protect the public. The result has been a sharp increase in violent crime and our state has become a much safer place to be a criminal.
Yet it is different on the Republican side. When the extreme and violent views of State Representative Matt Shea were highlighted in a legislative report, state Republicans immediately took action to remove Shea from the GOP House Caucus and backed another Republican candidate to replace him in the legislature.
When fringe Trump supporters rioted on January 6th, Washington State Republican officials condemned the violence AS IT WAS OCCURING. GOP Members of Congress, state legislative leaders, and party officials all condemned the violent actions that were taking place.
In both of these instances, GOP officials took their stands because they knew that they would be held accountable for their actions.
Democrats are not held to the same level of accountability.
We are seeing this playing out once again in Washington State.
The King County Democrat Party has endorsed the violent and extreme views of Seattle City Attorney Candidate Nicole Thomas-Kennedy. Washington State Party Chair Tina Podlodowski has supported her candidacy, ever since the party’s endorsed candidate (three term incumbent Pete Holmes) was soundly rejected by Seattle voters in the August primary.
Meanwhile, two former Democrat governors (Gary Locke and Christine Gregoire) have endorsed Thomas-Kennedy’s more rational opponent, Ann Davison. Since these two Democrats never again have to depend on the financial or grassroots campaign assistance from liberal activists and party organizations, they can do what they know is right, and ignore the more extreme members of their party.
Shouldn’t Democrat elected officials, who have all received financial and grassroots assistance from their party organizations, be asked if they support the extreme actions of their party in endorsing a candidate who supports political violence and wants police officers to “eat covid-laced sh*t?”
And shouldn’t all the local candidates endorsed by the King County Democrats be asked if they reject the endorsement of a party organization which also supports such an extreme candidate?
Well, since the media won’t do their job and ask liberal officials and candidates these tough questions (as they certainly would if GOP organizations and officials had endorsed such an extreme candidate), then the responsibility is up to us, the public.
Take a look at the local candidates endorsed by the King County Democrats and the Washington State Democrat Party. Find the candidates in your community who have been endorsed by these party organizations and simply ask the candidates, “Do you support the actions of the Democrat Party organizations which have endorsed the radical views of Nicole Thomas-Kennedy? If you don’t support these actions, are you willing to reject the party’s endorsement and take a stand against the political violence supported by Thomas-Kennedy?”
You can pose these questions either at local candidate forums or by sending them an email (nearly all candidates have a link to their website which includes their email address).
Let’s see if liberal candidates respond and are willing to take a stand against political violence. Let’s see if liberal candidates are willing to be held accountable.
Let your friends, neighbors, and associates know the response you receive from the candidates through social media.
If the media continues to provide Democrats the “privilege” of not being held accountable, then it is up to us to do the job for them.
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