Washington State residents who signed-up and paid for Obamacare, yet are told by supposed insurers that they do not actually have insurance are the victims of “system defects and data issues,” according to Washington Health Benefit Exchange CEO Richard Onizuka.
Onizuka, who had millions of tax payer dollars at his disposal to perfect Washington’s health exchange, issued a press release in which he described defects that “may result in invoices not being generated or incorrect payment adjustments, resulting in inaccurate statements.” The defects have led to incorrect billing by Washington Healthplanfinder while insurance companies are “unaware of completed payments.”
We are willing to bet this was much less of a problem for customers and insurance providers before Obamacare. We are also willing to bet that, in the private sector, Onizuka would have had some serious explaining to do. Yet, in the twisted world we live in, he got a raise.
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