Earlier this month, the Washington State Democrat Party sent an email to its supporters expressing excitement over the presidential campaign of Vermont Senator and self-avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders. The email read, “Democrats have another candidate for President!” Of course, it conveniently left out the fact that Sanders is not, in fact, a Democrat. Sanders refuses to recognize himself as a Democrat and insists he is, first and foremost, a Socialist.
Well, that fact hasn’t stopped desperate Democrats from claiming Sanders as their own. Of course, given the list of Democrat presidential hopefuls, we can’t exactly blame them. It appears that the state party is so desperate for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton that it is willing to call Sanders a Democrat.
In a recent email, the state Democrats praise their first candidates for President—including Sanders—and ask supporters to fill out a survey in order to gain input on the most cared about issues. The end goal is to “run a smarter and more effective campaign.” We’re guessing the state Democrats’ “smarter and more effective campaign” does not include publically admitting they have fully embraced a self-avowed Socialist as a their own.
MockingJay says
‘Birds of a feather…’
Eastside Sanity says
Bernie Sanders is a Crazy Old Jackass. If you voted for anybody who embraces this idiot, you need to reevaluate your life & get shock therapy.
SandersForPrez says
Thank you Eastside Sanity for your name calling rant. Can you back up your accusation that Mr. Sanders is an idiot? Who are you voting for anyhow? Where does your candidate fit on the “idiot” spectrum? Just curious…
Eastside Sanity says
Ur actually voting for that idiot? Or are you in your mommies basement with you’re new iPad? Time for dinner, now get those hands washed & get to the dinner table of daddy’s going to send you to bed early.